Who's bright idea was it to give a paki access to IP addresses anyway? Somebody could piss him off and next thing you know the nearest major city is a smoking crater....
Oh noes, he's going to rout to your ISP's to blow us up?
I must be missing something.
Yeah I dont know were this is all coming from but it is giving me some lulz so i decided to jump in.
But little does he know that we know his plan. We can see it coming and plan ahead.
I am already working with mayberry to make him a human bomb with a stick of dynamite in his ass that he can light to take out DFG its full proof.
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Pakistan
Posts: 1,613
Exclamation Update!
Sorry, guys I wasn't online for 48 hours or so. I was in the middle of replying to Multiple Account thread and then my power went out, after that my DSL went ape shit and I was without Internet for 48+ hours plus. And then I was fixing my HDD and it fucked up thanks to Acronis. So, I had to recover data from my HDD and then reinstall Windows 7 without Internet and install drivers and what not using my backups. Anyway, I just got Internet back like 10 mins ago. And I have fuckload of softwares to configure and things to work out.
I don't expect my Internet to be stable atm due to floods so, if anything happens, just be calm and continue operating. I am sure Hellish can manage things. Once I get things working I will be back and solve all your problems and fulfill my duties as a member of Totse.
Sorry guys, I got pwned by mother nature [SHE EVEN DIDN'T USE LUBE, THAT FUCKING CUNT] and I my Internet was down and I had some major IRL problems and obviously the floods. Don't worry everything will be back to normal and you will see some major changes here and there [assuming if everything is still on track]. I missed you guys .
Btw, ftr. I did have access to IP's and other personal information on Zoklet. I vowed never to reveal or turn on any user no matter what and I would rather die then betray my fellow Totse brothers. Also, unless you fucked up or did something stupid etc, I wouldn't even bother with your IPs etc.
On topic, FUCK YOU GOT ME, I used the floods to hide my missile silos.
Who's bright idea was it to give a paki access to IP addresses anyway? Somebody could piss him off and next thing you know the nearest major city is a smoking crater....
That proves NOTHING. Big deal, Kai registered under the same name with 'fangle' prefixing it.
Why would kai have a screenshot of and register under an already used name from totse? That's my old totse handle and I used it here as well. I use it on gmail, youtube, twitter, and a bunch of other places. Quit being a douche.
Those things are almost impossible to kill without ordinance. It's absurd.
Who's bright idea was it to give a paki access to IP addresses anyway? Somebody could piss him off and next thing you know the nearest major city is a smoking crater....
Quite the comical planet.
Oh noes, he's going to rout to your ISP's to blow us up?
I must be missing something.
Yeah I dont know were this is all coming from but it is giving me some lulz so i decided to jump in.
But little does he know that we know his plan. We can see it coming and plan ahead.
I am already working with mayberry to make him a human bomb with a stick of dynamite in his ass that he can light to take out DFG its full proof.
No, fool. He'll take us OFFLINE!!!!!
Good riddance! You're a bunch of assholes anyway! :rolleyes:
No he wont because he will have been destroyed.
No need to thank us, we're just #rimjobs.
theres something up obviously
Whatever, troll. You were pretty fucking hated back when Totse.com was around
Join Date: Jul 2010
Location: Pakistan
Posts: 1,613
Exclamation Update!
Sorry, guys I wasn't online for 48 hours or so. I was in the middle of replying to Multiple Account thread and then my power went out, after that my DSL went ape shit and I was without Internet for 48+ hours plus. And then I was fixing my HDD and it fucked up thanks to Acronis. So, I had to recover data from my HDD and then reinstall Windows 7 without Internet and install drivers and what not using my backups. Anyway, I just got Internet back like 10 mins ago. And I have fuckload of softwares to configure and things to work out.
I don't expect my Internet to be stable atm due to floods so, if anything happens, just be calm and continue operating. I am sure Hellish can manage things. Once I get things working I will be back and solve all your problems and fulfill my duties as a member of Totse.
Sorry guys, I got pwned by mother nature [SHE EVEN DIDN'T USE LUBE, THAT FUCKING CUNT] and I my Internet was down and I had some major IRL problems and obviously the floods. Don't worry everything will be back to normal and you will see some major changes here and there [assuming if everything is still on track]. I missed you guys
Btw, ftr. I did have access to IP's and other personal information on Zoklet. I vowed never to reveal or turn on any user no matter what and I would rather die then betray my fellow Totse brothers. Also, unless you fucked up or did something stupid etc, I wouldn't even bother with your IPs etc.
On topic, FUCK YOU GOT ME, I used the floods to hide my missile silos.
On topic, FUCK my camels got raped by the floods.
On topic again, Yeah, I did your mum.
Kai didn't have many friends, troll.
I'm not kai.
Now we can make fun of him to his face
My totse.com profile. I'm not Kai from totse.
Until you take your ritalin and look where it says "welcome fanglekai"
Pff, Dfg wishes :rolleyes:
*Turns off the torrent*
Did they give a reason or is it just some more bullshit censoring
Why would kai have a screenshot of and register under an already used name from totse? That's my old totse handle and I used it here as well. I use it on gmail, youtube, twitter, and a bunch of other places. Quit being a douche.