When someone makes a post saying "Hi I'm new

" everyone's like, "welcome!!!"
People are fine with this so much that forums even have introductory threads, like this one.
But when people decide to leave forums, everyoens like "shut the fuck up attention whore". "ATTENTIONW HORE!!!"
isnt saying "i'm new" just as attention whorey as saying "i'm leaving"?
Then you might say
Well, saying bye is attention whorey because the person isnt really leaving forever.
So... you do realize that most people who say they've just signed up, will hardly, if at all, post, right?
In conclusion, if ur gonna get mad at people for saying "i'm leaving" you better get mad at htem for saying "i'm new" as wlel or you suck.
I think you're drunk.
I'm not drunk. Do I have a point or don't I.
Seems pretty useless to me. Who cares, right? And the "I'm leaving" threads are really useless. Unless you're a big time poster who everybody knows and with a LOT (and I'm talking a LOT) of respect and even some friends on the forum you're leaving, like Jacketch.
Speaking about Jacketch, would he know &T is alive again? Would he care?
It's because no one fucking cares
I'll see you on the other side (IRL)
Leaving threads however, are completely useless. Unless you're a respected member of the community, everyone could care less. They're just a waste of forum space.
No member is a waste of space
I meant the leaving threads. That space could be better left for brandon to write cat poetry
Ah. I see.