Bleh, school starts back on Monday. First time in two years I'll be going to a real high school, and it's my senior year. I really hope I can stick it out. But I'm a freak.
Anyway, I was hoping y'all could amuse me with a little story time.
Tell awesome stories from your high school years.
And if you care to give me advice about how not to fuck up my senior year, go ahead.
Here's one of my many shenanigans:
In my senior year, there were a group of us that would do the majority of the senior pranks. We would replace the sugar in the teacher's lounge with salt. We would spray herbicide on the field in the shape of a penis. But there is this one prank that we are the most proud of. It was a rainy November day and several of us came up with the most dastardly prank ever. We were so excited it was hard not to tell anyone. But we kept it to ourselves as it would be ruined if too many people found out. We persuaded the principal to let us on school grounds on the weekend to do a 'film project.' On the weekend, we arrived at school and the groundskeeper let us in. We took out wedges of cheese from our bags and planted them in all the air ducts we could find. When school resumed on Monday and they turned up the heat, the odour of melting rotten cheese emanated throughout the school. But then the principal quickly caught on to us and said we're moving in with our aunties and uncles in Bel-Air.
Yeah, I don't think so...
Homebound, which is sort of like homeschool, except the school system provides a tutor if you're like sick. I was having too many panic attacks and migraines, and was missing too much school, so I got way behind. And for the past two years been working on getting myself better mentally, and physically... not sure how well, I've done, because I don't feel like I'm going to be so much better off, but I REALLY want to spend my senior year at a real school, and get to participate in all the fun senior stuff. And have real classes and be with people my age and all.
Sorry... rambling. Didn't have to in order to answer your question, but I'm a bit out of it, and tend to just go on and on when I'm like this.
All those many years.....
All two of them....
When I dropped out at age 16...
Yep, those were the days....
Long gone now though,
Story: I once had a teacher, that I'm pretty sure was bi-polar, break down crying in class cause of some diease she has. It was pretty lulz.
Also, some kids let a bunch of mice go in the halls. First time in my life that I ever saw a black chick go fast.
Advice: Go and talk to people. That's the only way to make friends, get invited to the parties etc.
I wish I had the balls to do it. But nope, ever since I moved here I'm the weird queit kid.
Fuck parties man, all you need is about 5 good friends and a place to hang out, thats what i did, i went parties like two times, fun and stuff but had way more fun just hanging out with just a few buddies
Check the sexual attractiveness thread in S&A for the original pic.
It's my presence.
Anyhow. I resume in 16 days. As it will be my senior year. My mission is to get good grades and still fuck with my school.
Fucking this
That's the spirit. I fucked around all year and did shit but ended up with the top of the class, while everyone else at the top actually worked hard
Lol how'd ya manage that one? I'm naturally smart but I don't really study, ever. I always get caught into doing other shit.
That. I've always had an easier time in school that most people.
Here's some tips I give to a lot of people:
- pay attention in class and actually get the material into your head. If your friends are playing around, play with them AS LONG AS you're still paying attention. I've mastered it so I can have fun while learning
- do your homework.
- if you did the above PROPERLY, you shouldn't need more than a quick skim review the night before a test
A lot of people find those tips to be condescending and think I'm lying. But that's the way I got through high school. It's still the way I work in university, albeit with a bit more studying.
5 minutes before class was like every assignment for me lol and i still graduated with an average of B's and a few A's. And I just cant pay attention in school no matter how hard i try so i just speed skim books. And Namaste you will be made fun of for being homeschool sorry it happens no matter what.
My avatar is xxombie with a picture of dragoncock that I shooped.
Why hello thar, dragoncock!
We used to make kids crawl under the building where all our trash was...As seen at 1:30.
It looks like a god damn hick school, hahahaha.
Feels good man.
Almost 20, ain't done shit with my life. Fuck yeah.
Highlights included
Hahaha, yeah well it is Mullumbimby... got a laugh from the vid
I fucking hate/hated kids like you. I bet you are/were an annoying fucking prick.
Calling bullshit on this one.
You should come here, and we could not look forward to it together. XD Being the lame seniors probably isn't so fun. >.<
Wasn't HOMESCHOOLED. I was homebound. For illness. And I think most people seem to think my illness was more severe than it really was. So I don't know. Might change things a little bit, because I think people pity me (yuck), but even if they do... like... there are MUCH more offensive things they could pick on me about.
Yeah, I have to agree with this. Doesn't sound very cool, dude.
Oh and advice. Just don't take things to seriously, have fun and take it easy. Contrary to what most people say, school really doesn't matter that much. I mean, unless your trying to be a scientist or some shit.
Going for nurse at the very least. But if I can, I'd like to be a doctor and specialize in infectious disease. It's like my dream. But I don't think I'm smart enough. So probably just a nurse. =/
I think it's a typo. I think he meant he had no friends and did well in all his subjects.
This. I especially liked the one about how he had a WEEK LONG lan party, while using the "master key" (keeping in mind the teachers would all still have their regular keys to get in/out of doors) to keep everyone out, because he was playing a game he "found" on the server. Sounds like complete and utter bullshit.
Nah I'm good, I don't really feel like switching high schools for the fourth time.
Fourth time is the charm, I hear! XD
Once me and a few friends set off a kno3 and sugar smokebomb outside the main hall when there was a fire drill...
Panic and lulz ensued.
This is true. School has always been more or less a joke for me. Everything was easy. It never got difficult until my master's program, and even that was just a transition. The main thing is to learn the material. I never understood the morons who would bitch and moan about everything when the answers were all in the books. Spending a little time to learn the material meant that tests were beyond easy.
I slacked off and procrastinated like crazy in high school, but I quit doing that in college. I did stuff ahead of time and made life much easier for myself. I found that the difference between an A or a B was putting in the extra 30 mins to edit my essays. The people who tried to write their papers the night before were constantly stressed and consistently did worse than I did. I made it a rule to have essays done 3 days before they were due so I could spend a little time looking over them. It made for better work and I was never stressed about deadlines. It was awesome cause then I could go out and party and not worry about the shit I still had to do later on.
Homework? Totally optional. I don't think I did homework from like 3rd grade onward. Or, I did it rarely.
EDIT: Dropouts know best.
If you want to have a good GPA, you'll do the work. Doing the work is the only way to get good grades, get scholarship money and succeed in school.
My school never told me my GPA. I might have cared about my GPA if it was mentioned once or twice, but to my knowledge the dick measuring around here is done course by course, percentage-wise.
Rather than some formula that doesn't make any goddamn sense.
Related note, there was no "honor roll" type shit either.
Although the top students (talkin' the kids who get 98% final grade) did get their name put on a plaque. But I'm pretty sure only one person a year got that privilege.
I don't know maybe I just remember poorly.
My grades weren't terrible but I dropped out of Uni after one semester to go to junior college and my life has been great ever since!
that post was good. r those drugs in ur picter????????? is it pot leefs???