So it's official. I got an email a few days ago, and after being unbanned from the Uni network I could finally check my emails.
In short, my University has lost 3 of my assignments and an exam I took. They have the receipts for them, and I have handed in new copies for their benefit. But this isn't a new thing.
A while ago I had to write an essay on "who won WW2" and after going through possible answers such as West Germany, the Allies (US, UK etc), Corporate giants (BMW, Bayer etc) I came to the conclusion that Israel did.
Now, I'm not denying the Holocaust, and I am certainly not denying the Jews didn't get a raw deal in the years Hitler was in power, but they got Israel after the War and it was a big factor in creating it, especially with all the politics of the time.
So I used the books the Uni and my Tutor recommended and handed it on, glad I wasn't like everyone else doing that question.
I was told "my essay had been misplaced" and after a few weeks of wondering what the fuck went on, looking at everyone else going 'ooh yippee mummy, I got a 2:1, so you can send me £100 this week and I will blow it on shit I will never need', I was told they eventually found it.
I went to the office of my Tutor to pick it up, and was greeted with a meeting setup. Turns out they saw my essay, were shocked I was "so inflammatory" towards sensitive issues and put me on an "extreme behaviour watchlist". In short, the same kind of thing the Vtech shooter was put on.
Fucked, eh? I was told to write historically accurate essays which are emotionally devoid and use the resources the University give me.
I did and got royally raped.
So now, this has happened to 3 of my average essays which aren't exactly anything like the "Israel affair" as well as my exam I did in May.
All this shit has caused me no end of stress, medical problems (as my Crohn's get flared up in stressful situations) and the huge desire to tell the Uni to go fuck themselves as I will be hospital-bound by the age of 30 and intend to enjoy the last 9 years of my life without pissing it away at an institute I fucking hate anyway.
So do I leave? Or keep on at it, make the most of a shit situation and fuck the freshers next year as I blagged a place as a Senior Student? (I get to mentor them, basically...yes, a ToTSEan gets to mentor young, impressionable students...)
tl;dr: Uni lost a lot of my work, I am mad pissed, they put me on an "extreme behaviour watch list" and pretty much hate me. I will be a medical fuck up by the time I am 30, I am currently 20 and don't really want to waste my time there when I want to be enjoying life. Or do I stay there, make the most of a shit situation and fuck the Freshers, get involved with a girl I have somewhat fallen for and share my shit mood swings and frequent suicidal pill binges with her?
Oh I don't know. I just want to go abroad again. I fucking hate this place. ToTSE, you have been there for me when my ex cheated on me, then when we broke up, then when I was in hospital, or in some other kind of pain. I call upon your help and guidance now. People I remember from the original .com domain will be taken seriously (kind of...)
Edit - if I were to leave, I have a job lined up. In short I have a Summer/holiday job that they wish for me to work part time at. £700 a week pay, taxes excluded and lots of perks.
Now seeing as
barely any graduates are getting jobs in the UK, it seems a sensible option as I won't be shitting my pants whenevewr I look at a bank account, even though ideally, I never wanted one in the first place.
You just have to ask yourself one question. Do I want a degree? If you do, suck up. If you don't, quit.
Sometimes being a smartass isn't the way to go.
If that piece of paper will somehow benefit you in the long run, go for it and just keep trying.
Well, you can choose to be a pragmatist or you can choose to speak your mind. OP chose the latter, and I'd have done the same.
Well take a look at where the "road less traveled by" led him to. Trouble.
He's also gonna die soon or something anyway. I don't know the nature of his medical problem but yeah....
I guess its because I think the same way. I refuse to bullshit with people therefore I will never "get ahead" in life. I know myself well enough to know I'll never hold down a job for long because I don't respect fast food/retail managers. I'll be homeless sooner rather than later and I'm ok with that, it fits well with my drinking schedule. In fact, I'm pretty drunk right now...About to do a whippet
What the fuck? Your reply makes no sense.
i'm sure it doesn't, I'm pretty fucked up lol.
You know what to do... :rolleyes:
If they asked you to write a paper on 'who won WW2' and we expecting anything other than 'duh, the allies!' and then gave you shit for doing exactly as you did, they are fucking idiots.
I am a qualified lecturer but choose not to work in that sector due to it being run by left wing idiots. Perhaps if you sent the assignment brief and the assignment to me and let me know if you are a first are second year (so I can mark it by the correct criteria) I would not mind at all writing a letter to your uni letting them know that although they feel the assignment is out of the ordinary, that should not be an issue.
Also, do not quit uni. If you do, you will invariably look upon your Crohns as and the magical age of 30 years and as such do fuck all between now and then rather than piss it up against a wall (not that is such a bad thing).
Explain the corporate giants. That actually sounds pretty interesting.
I like you. The comments here have given me a lot to think about, and the magic collective that is ToTSE has made me realise that ok, University might not get on with me, but in the event that I do live comfortably beyond 30, the piece of paper light come in handy.
Sure, some may say I'm wasting my time, but the thought that I'm not the only one does suggest to me that these issues won't be around for long. And yes, most lecturers at my University know fuck all. It really isn't a good place, but I did apply as a joke to see if I could get in. I did, and I have to get on with it.
In short, I won't be the thorn in the side of the Lecturers in my 2nd year, but I certainly won't lie down and accept their bullshit. I will also be keeping logs of when I handed in my work, asking constructive questions and showing the new Freshers how to learn from my mistakes.
Subvertive assignments are coming up ahead.
I thank you for all your input. You have turned me round from a moping little twat to a kid who wants to better himself and prove these assholes wrong.
*takes a bow*
Or, you could inform as many students as possible. Tell them not to be creative, it'll get you on a 'behavioral watchlist'. Bad PR for the uni, anyways. If enough people know about it and ask questions, they might stop their bullshit.
Although, he has told me, thats not a be all and end all for people with Crohns, everyone is different.
I also work with a guy that has ulcerative colitis and although not the same, can manifest itself in similar ways. While he has had surgery to remove a lump of bowel, he still eats shit. He looses a lot of time of sick.
Managing things drug wise, are you on corticosteroids? If you are, they only control how your body deals with certain things. Better off finding out what your body actually likes rather than fucking around with a drug like that. Do not, under any circumstances let them put you on methotrexate. Like wise with any long term anti biotic. Nothing wrong with taking one when you have a problem, but I cannot see any logic in using them as a preventative measure.
I do know that smoking weed helps in that it can act as an anti inflamitory within the gut, but prevention is better than cure. I am sure your GP / consultant has asked for a food diary in the past - if they havent, they dont do medicine very well.
Try, if you can afford it to eat pure foods - organic, pasture raised meats, organic veg grown as close to you as possible. Their is a correlation of evidence linking eating non locally produced foods to lower life expectancy and increased illness throughout life.
Find what works for you. And sorry if this is a bit away from the orriginal topic, but it is something I do have a little knowledge on and anything I can do to help a person...
Bloody wheel mouse took me back to logging in and that must have done it. BTW, PAGE 2!
Nice, that's why I control my mouse pointer with my brain.
Also, I made the same mistake you made in assuming everybody see's the same page numbers. Some people have 20 posts per page, some have 30, some have 100.
But welcome to TOTSE, you seem like a stand up guy. Hope it's not to gain our trust and then zomfgwtftrollbbq us later on
Nah, I did register here as pretty soon after it opened/ adtvertised / shit happened at zoklet, but every time I came back, it wasnt working. Zoks place is slow as fuck atm, and I did lurk here a lot and not post. I hope to change that.
On top of that, their does seem to be a lot more respect here that people give in regards to threads do not get instantly fucked up with stupidity. I like that.
I am after all a member of the place of old. Zoklet is just some holding pen.
I taught courses for 2 years at a uni. If I asked my students to write a short essay about some specific topic, I'd want the essay to be about that topic. As a first year student you don't get to pick and choose and do whatever the fuck you want. If any of my students wrote an article like that, I'd make he or she redo it. Why? Because the assignment wasn't to say Israel won WWII. If there are guidelines, follow them. Once you finish your ph d. and get tenure then you can write smartass articles about how Israel won WWII (a point that is actually worth arguing, by the way, but NOT in the given context). Undergrads need to follow the rules and demonstrate some creativity by flexing the rules a little but still work within them. The class clown will almost always lose out in college. That's just the way it goes. Professors don't have to put up with bullshit or anything they don't like. If you write a controversial essay, they might give you an A or they might give you an F, depending on the professor.
OP, pay attention to this part: Use their office hours. If you want to get all creative and go outside the guidelines, then go fucking talk to the professor. If my student wanted to write an essay like that and he or she came to talk to me, I would probably have allowed it. The point of guidelines is so you don't receive 30 essays that are all off topic. If you want to be off topic, go talk to the prof outside of class.
Do your assignments and get your degree.
I like your style, man.
Yep I have plenty of meds, and have been on/off steroid and immunosuppressants for a while. Happily stuck in an anti-inflammatory and painkiller groove for 5 years now and have got a checkup in a weeks time. Looking at surgery next year but weighing up the pros and potential cons.
I appreciate the input
Everyone knows AMERICA won WW2.
That's the obvious answer. The OP wanted to hate on jews for the lulz, though.
I recieved no credit for the class because I had extremely poor attendance.
You'll either graduate be removed.
Getting kicked out pretty much guarantees you low wage jobs forever.
There's always the option of becoming self-employed, which is vastly superior. I really don't know why someone would want to work for other people instead of for themselves the rest of their life.
It's easier than owning your own business, dealing with taxes and health insurance for you and all your employees and running everything yourself.