I've been desensitised to shit in life and the usual places now bore me. When I go away, I want it to be an orgy of sex, drugs and adventure; none of this sightseeing bullshit.
Where the fuck in Asia man? From Kamchatka, to Borneo, to Dubai, to the Steppe, there's a fucking huge variety in shit going on over there. You might aswell just say 'the world' tbh.
I was going to include these pics with my first post in the thread, in regards to the Fjords of Norway, but couldn't be bothered. But now here they are. How awesome does that place look?! Fuck.
Sorry for the longish post.
I would totally Greyfox it if I lived in this house ^
I want to go there! So that's Norway then? I'm going!
Yes all of those pics were taken in Norway. Presumably taken during summer or spring. As I'm pretty sure everything is covered in snow during the Winters, which would also be awesome imo. I want to live there!
Looks absolutely beautiful. So beautiful that it doesn't even look real/earthly in a sense.
Imagine being a Viking of old, follow the old Norse mythology and living out in the fjords. Shit have been so cash. Something of value has been lost in modern society.
Though its kind of sketch, considering its a police state, Israel is actually pretty fun, and as a Canadian citizen everyone Loved meh! Tel Aviv is the coolest place there and night life there is crazy! not many tourists there either but there are some touristy spots fyi.
Russia! I'm not really sure where in Russia though.
Japan would be cool too, but I think to really enjoy it I would need to learn a good amount of Japanese, and not just simple phrases. I don't really want to learn Japanese though....
That's probably it, I don't care much for the 7 wonders of the world.....
I was going to include these pics with my first post in the thread, in regards to the Fjords of Norway, but couldn't be bothered. But now here they are. How awesome does that place look?! Fuck.
Sorry for the longish post.
I would totally Greyfox it if I lived in this house ^
I hear Somalia is really nice this time of year:o:o:o:o Seriously though I'd love to visit the Fjords of Norway or anywhere in Scandinavia. Asia would also be fun I bet. Wierd but fun.
I want to travel through China. So many more cities to see! Chongqing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Beijing, Dongguan, Nanjing, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Wuhan, etc etc. I'm a bit of an architecture/building nut.
I've been to a place similar to where Dfg mentioned. There were mountains and huge hills with random rivers and waterfalls. Easily the most amazing place I've ever been to.
Ive always thought Asia sounded bad ass to visit. It's just so different from the west you know. Plus I want to try some of the wacky foods they have over there. I love eating strange things. I could do the bizzare food guy's job no problem. I'd also recommend visiting south America if anyone get's the chance. I spent a few weeks in Chile and Argentina visiting my step dads family and it was awesome. Argentina was the most racist country you can imagine lol. You wont see a single black person the whole time your there.
You read my freaking mind. Those Fjords look awesome to just walk through. Especially during the warmer seasons.
Thailand I think. Or Cambodia? I don't know.
Anyways I've always wanted to go to the Patagonia, and somewhere in Eastern Europe. Maybe Serbia or Bulgaria or something.
I've been desensitised to shit in life and the usual places now bore me. When I go away, I want it to be an orgy of sex, drugs and adventure; none of this sightseeing bullshit.
Where the fuck in Asia man? From Kamchatka, to Borneo, to Dubai, to the Steppe, there's a fucking huge variety in shit going on over there. You might aswell just say 'the world' tbh.
Sorry for the longish post.
I would totally Greyfox it if I lived in this house ^
Yes all of those pics were taken in Norway. Presumably taken during summer or spring. As I'm pretty sure everything is covered in snow during the Winters, which would also be awesome imo. I want to live there!
Imagine being a Viking of old, follow the old Norse mythology and living out in the fjords. Shit have been so cash. Something of value has been lost in modern society.
N. Korea (For the lulz)
A girl's butthole (Post wipe)
Japan would be cool too, but I think to really enjoy it I would need to learn a good amount of Japanese, and not just simple phrases. I don't really want to learn Japanese though....
That's probably it, I don't care much for the 7 wonders of the world.....
^This PLACE!
I shall make a pilgrimage to north rolfheim one day.