So I was petting my friends dog the other day and it pissed on me.
WTF kind of dog does this? All my friend did was sit there and laugh at me. It ruined my shirt and pants; I had to throw them both out.
Since my friend clearly has no idea how to discipline a dog I feel I need to do it for him only with a little revenge as the pants his dog ruined were fairly expensive.
I was thinking, since the dog sleeps outside in a dog house at night, I could go over at like 2-3 in the morning, and, especially since it is not neutered take a bat to it's testicles and leave. It would likely have to be hospitalized and maybe it would think twice about pissing on me in the future.
If anyone has any other ideas let me know as I'm not really in any hurry to move forward with this.
What's my point? Snuff the dog with a pillow.
I thought about it but then I realized dogs have no souls.
I'm not entirely sure I want to kill the dog though. I just want it to feel my pain.
What, the pain of having to throw out your clothes? Shave the dog then
I slaved away to earn the money to buy those clothes.
What does that dog do all day? Sit around and piss on my hard earned clothes.
The dog pissed on you.
It's the fucking dog's fault..but---eh eh eh, shut up.
Feed the fucker some chocolate, and then bat it in the head. Knock it out and turn it over. Crack some of it's ribs.
- If you want to go light on it, feed it bread with poison in it. Put it small ammonia and/or bleach capsules.
it's a fucking dog
it's not as intelligent as us humans, of course it's bound to take a piss on you every now and then, you just got a little unlucky. You shouldn't rage about it. Understand that it hasn't evolved as much as we have.
Have some fucking compassion
If you harm that dog, then you've aloud yourself to stoop to a lower level than the dog
Be a man. Wash your clothes. grow the fuck up
also, wtf? Wash your cloths fuck nut, piss wont ruin them.
Least you convinced me to never visit this forum again because you are all FAGGOTS, why I never put together the fact before on why none of the idiots here ever agreed to any of my plans, welll shit nigga I sadly just figured it out.
IT IS BECAUSE YOU ARE FAGGOTS. Best not let me catch you when I go hunting because I can guarantee you that you will all die sooner than you think.
Send me your address of where you live [email protected] and see if I dont kill you and any mother fucker who trys to stop me.
Tic Toc
yea this instead, its yum yum.
I bet you dont even have stomic to do this .....
I'm not necessarily trying to kill it either. Just make it feel my pain as I have already said.
do it
Correct - animals have no souls. Neither do people. How hard is that to accept? :rolleyes:
Just because it's 'inferior' to humans doesn't mean it can't feel pain/emotions etc. By that logic it's OK to kill retarded people just for the hell of it.
Actually killing retards is morally acceptable as they are just here as objects for our amusement.:o:o:o
It isn't?
I agree with this. Use a baseball bat on the dude, and let the dog piss on your friend. win/win, and the dog gets to live to fight another day.
Sounds like you need a new friend.
O, and if you want to get back at someone, the "friend" is the guy to get, not the dog. Maybe get a dog yourself and teach it to piss on command and let it piss on your friend? Or just get a bottle of dog urine and pour it over your friend. Preferably a bottle of uring of a female dog in heat, if his dog's a male he will be all over him and showering won't help. Maybe then your friend will kick the dog. Punish your friend and make him punish his dog as punishment for not punishing his dog when he should have. Something like that.
So you gotta kill it rather than let the fucker lose. :thumbsup:
However: if you're going to try to injure the dog you should do something like snip its ears off, maybe not all the way. Do this with the tail also. Those two would probably be the best ways to injure the dog and really fuck with it for life. Personally I'd just piss on the thing.
EDIT: 1st in 2!
I hope he realizes that his friend is gonna beat the shit out of him if he finds out that his dog has his ear snipped with scissors, depending on how much he hurts the dog.
Also, he threw his clothes away. He doesn't wash his clothes when they get dirty he just throws them away and buys new ones apparently.
cerberus is gonna fuck you up if you hurt that dog
or maybe an ancient dog dinosaur
My ass.
Those fuckers know what's right from wrong.
That's why they need a beating from time to time. Some times a nice batting in the head fixes it all up.
piss on the dog and blame the carpet
If its a big dog, buy come cheap chocolate, pure. Buy 5 or 6 big bars of the stuff. Unwrap it and throw it near the dog house at night.
That should do some damage.
*shifty eyes*
I hear this funny noise and dark patch which was expanding by my foot, look down and see this dog pissing all over my fucking bag. My books, lunch, and whatever else was in there reeked of piss for a month.
And if you do anything to the dog don't you think your will think it's a little strange that his dog gets hurt a few days after it pisses on you? Think dumbass, damn. If you do hurt the dog I hope your friend figures it out and beats you into a coma.
And also (I don't know about this new group) on the old totse there have been a few times when a user really upset the wrong people and they tracked him down. Trust me it happened. There are ways: former posts, facebook, white pages, school rosters, and IP's.
I guess you should have bought a washer and dryer too. A dog pissing on your clothes does not ruin them, just wash them and get over it FFS.
OP stands for Orginal Pussy