I just thought I'd make this thread because I'm sick of people saying this. Wanting to live in solitude would be better filed under SAD, GAD, or depression.
Anti-social is burning animals and raping women (or having thoughts or desires to).
Not saying you can't have both but as far as psychiatry is concerned that is what those terms are used for.
Anti-social = against society
See related: sociopath and psychopath.
Still doesn't excuse this retardation though.
One of those things that pisses me off is people not using them right.
I guess that works better than any of my examples.
Go expose yourself and get over it!
OCD. So many people think they're OCD for idiotic things, like they "have to" peel the paper things from notebooks off perfectly, or something else trivial.
No, it's called living life how you want to. You're happy being stuck to another person. I'm happy with not being stuck to another person.
That's the crux. Solitude = personal development to a point. However, you cannot develop much more as that takes the input, expertise and work of others.
I agree with you, but I hold this stance, too.