Oh man St Ides. I drank that stuff when I was under age. My roomies and I all bought 2 each. That shit made us all smell like hobos in no time flat. Definite thumbs up for that. I'm gonna grab me one of those tomorrow. Usually when I want malt liquor I go for steel reserve. A 12 pack of 8.1% abv cans costs $7. It's pretty sweet to make red beer with too.
Normally Steel Reserve or Hurricane. If I drink that shit when visiting my family they poke fun at me for drinking it. Personally, I think its better than the Bud Light they drink.
St. Ides all the way. I drank one yesterday. Two of those babies is like the equivilent of drinking 12 beers lol. 40 camel piss is the worst though . I'm going to invest in one of these:
That one sucks here though. I think we only get the 5.9% abv one. St. Ides is much better. Steel reserve is also better.
I am deeply disappointed.
If I'm drinking a 40, it HAS to be Mickeys.