Ive always wondered what type of terribly Naive person it must take to fall for one of those Nigerian scams. I mean do they really believe huntanu jabengo of Nigeria really selected them somehow to recieve these millions of Dollars I mean come on:facepalm: As far as Im concerned anyone who gets scammed by these guys deserves it for being retarded no excuses.
LOfuckingL The best part is the fact that people actually fall for this shit. :facepalm:
Seems legit, I'll bight.
If you don't have Paypal, I am willing to accept your bank account information and your PIN.
Where do I sign up?
Just post all your information in this thread.
Haha I fell for it. :facepalm: Dammit. Mayberry I demand 50 percent of your earnings or I will take your op away. Haha
I demand you retract your demand or else NO MORE FALAFEL FOR YOU!
Damn!!!! It seems that we are at a stand still sir. Ok you have one this round. I will settle for 10 percent.
Sure, give me all your bank information and PIN and I will have the funds transferred directly into your account.
Ok here it is.....
Oke my bank number is 2.........
Wait just a second. I see what you are doing here. I wont fall for your schemes. You just lost your SOP now you are a lousy AOP. Bwa hahahaha.
That is a total win in this thread,:thumbsup: