Even though my dreams are usually rather macabre and otherwise really weird every time I wake up I immediately wish that I was still dreaming instead. When I rarely think about dreaming I wish I was instead of being awake. Truth be told my waking life isn't bad at all. It has its downsides like everyone else's but its comfortable. Why would I rather spend my time dreaming? Does anyone else feel this way? I think it could be all the research on lucid dreaming and whatnot but I'm not sure.
Plus you know, dreams are fucking amazing and normal life can be boring.
I suggest you try dreaming while awake, not being awake while dreaming (lucid dreaming), that is, seize your dreams. Or at least have a dream, a passion.
Fly a spaceship? Done.
Start a rebellion? Done.
Run up the side of a building? Done.
Be my own video game character? Done.
Run from a giant troll? Done.
Other stuff? Done.
Depressing, eh?
Many of my dreams often end in me dying, either by murder, car wreck, or falling. Or I have this one dream where I'm in the attic/basement of my grandparents' house and have the feeling of being watched (in a stalkerish/malevolent way) while dreaming this. That's one reason I sleep with a knife on me and a large stick nearby.
Yeah that happens to me a lot. That could be why I miss it so much when I'm awake.
how the hell does this benefit me in any way? :facepalm:
However, if you spent all of your time dreaming, you might prefer waking life--the grass always looks greener on the other side. dreams don't have much continuity, while waking life is one successive moment after the other. while i think it's healthy to entertain the idea that you might be happier in an unconscious state than in waking life, i don't recommend vegging on it. One, you can't spend your life sleeping and dreaming--it's not possible. Two--you should focus your efforts on achieving the goals you set for yourself in waking life.
back when I was going through some tough times myself, I couldn't wait until I fell asleep so I could escape consciousness. But now, I really enjoy my life, and I look forward to waking up and continuing with it. I don't view sleep or dreams as a burden or distraction from reality--they're just another part of daily life. I enjoy dreaming, but I like being awake, too, because I'm fairly certain that dreams, while entertaining, are essentially meaningless.
I wish I had dreams like this. Btw when I looked at your avatar I lol'd pretty hard. Haha just saiyan. Good one.
Fuckin' a.
When I wake up from a good (dreamless) night though, I just wish I were still sleeping. I can't think of anything I look forward to more than sleeping.
I often say this same thing. What if we are just some fat asses dream that he concocted in his sleep and it will all just end sometime.
There are so many things to think about when talking about the big fat guy that created us as a dream. Maybe when he dies and gets cancer we just stop.
There's many possibilites, but here's a thought: Perhaps you don't sleep too well, and your dreams are a mental manifestation of what you feel physically. So your brain creates that situation to explain any discomfort.
If he was actually doing this in his sleep he would wake up in so much pain. Maybe he sleeps and grinds his teeth well he is doing so and that causes him to dream this. Or maybe while protecting hank and dean he smashed 7 teeth out of the monarch kings men and thats were his dream come. Or maybe a flying pig came in and destroyed him.
Focus on that dream before you go to sleep every night. Eventually you'll probably have it.
I do this all the time.