to my bitch neighbor. So court is coming up soon, Thursday to be exact. I am going to plead 'not guilty' and tell the faggot judge about a little thing called the first amendment.
I wrote a letter asking them to dismiss the case, they said no. I wrote a letter to the ACLU for a free lawyer, they said no. so I'm on my own. I hope I win
There has to be more to this
I think the court may find that your middle finger, taken as a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political, or scientific value.
I can use two fingers or three fingers and it will be considered an obescenty by someone else, whereas I was just showing my fingers in different positions. If anyone I think the so called victim should be blamed for taking things in a negative manner.
I doubt it will work but who cares.
Make sure you dress up and wear a suit. Be extremely polite and courteous to the judge. Say "your honor" before/after you say anything. If you aren't nice to the judge, he'll rape you.
nope. she was "extremely offended" and therefore I have been accused of a "breach of the peace"
learn2Miller Test. you have to satisfy all 3 for it to be considered obscene. I doubt my middle finger can be considered "prurient" (excessively sexual). Although some girls would beg to differ.
2 witnesses. I call the judge sir because that's how I talk to old people but 'your honor' sounds gay so I won't say that. It's funny, when the law is on your side, you don't have to suck the judge's balls. Jeans + t-shirt FTW. he rapes me, I appeal, I win. GG
I already smarted off to some chick at the DA office, at my arraignment(thursday last week). She was gonna dismiss my case, she said just don't do it again. "actually i will do it again and that's none of the court's business". ok well I won't dismiss it. . .. . . . FUCK!
pre-trial next Tuesday.
ps the newspaper did an article about how bad ass I am for flipping off my neighbor
I win, fuck you all, middle finger in your fucking face assholes, fuck you
WTFF. You must live in America like me. It pisses me off that every little thing is a news story. Man this country sucks ball when it comes to media. There so fucking stupid.
Judges will only get even with you for having a cunty attitude. The courtroom is not any place to act out, and you'll be punished if you do.
For real man. even though they have nothing against you; if you look like a bad person the judge may just spite you because he can. It doesnt happen often but it does. unless you live in America like me. judges and basically everyone does what ever the hell they want here.
Have fun with your big fine.
I'm extremely polite to the judge/DA, but I also stand my ground. I am standing up for the very principle that this website was founded upon. As silly as it sounds, giving the middle finger to your neighbor is a very important right, and I'll be damned if some smart ass DA is gonna ask me to politely surrender it. My tax dollars pay these fucks' salary and I'm not gonna let them walk all over me out of fear. So if you want to let the government trample on your fucking GOD GIVEN liberties, then you can surrender your dignity and smile politely to the telescreen. Not me. I'll be rotting in prison with my head and my middle finger held high.
Basically what I have been asking all the time. I flip people the bird all the fucking time.
First they take away our rights to give the finger to our neighbours.
Next they take our women and children in the dead of night!
dude get off my back about that. I am going to wear my nicest blue jeans and a clean white tee. if you think that's trashy then you must be a high class mother fucker. I calmly told her that I will not stop my activity of giving the middle finger. (I embellished a bit in the OP
tomorrow's the big day, I'm preparing my arguments now :cool:
How did you let yourself get caught for this? How do you even prove that someone gave you the finger?
Anyway, it is clear that vengeance is needed. It's fucked up to get someone involved in fucking court because they flipped you off and cunts like this need to be taught that they cannot do it again. Psychological harassment?
Maybe fuck up her mailbox or car or something.
supreme court > district court > county court(me)
and The Constitution of the United States rules all. there are some amendments there, you should check them out.
2. witnesses
3. psychological harassment = I give the finger every time I see her
4. yea i thought about that but I decided not to. no more middle finger for me. It's an interesting story: It was the actual day I flipped her off (again) and I was in church and the preacher mentioned Romans 12:19 in passing. I was compelled to read it and it changed my outlook on the whole thing. I'm no religious nut either, but I think something happened there. sure is a hell of a coincidence to say the least, that the preacher would bring that passage up when we're in a completely different chapter, and less than 1 hour after I just gave her the finger again.
Flashing the finger on a regular basis to someone is derogatory of their persona and obscene, possibly a form of psychological harassment.
p.s. there are other, more effective methods of saying: fuck you, you know? Be diverse in your actions.
the case of disorderly conduct was dismissed, because im a fuckin boss. I showed up on trial day and they told me they didnt have time to try my case, so basically all these witnesses showed up for nothing. we postponed then next time i came in for my other case, it was dismissed as part of a plea bargain.
and the charge of misdemeanor harassment i plead guilty to. 1yr probation no fine. I'm already on the 3rd month of probation and my probation officer likes the hell out of me, and laughed when i told her what happened. its gonna be a piece of cake.
the courtroom shit was fun, but too bad i didn't get to have a trial. from the interactions i had with the judge, he didn't seem to resent me or anything. after i plead guilty to the DA i had to wait a few, that gave me time to formulate a little "please go easy on me in sentencing judge lolz" speech. The judge seemed kinda impressed by my speech, and gave me the probation + no fine. he was cool.
What a dumb cunt for calling the cops for the middle finger, and an even bigger cunt for the judge to even take the case at all.
But seriously, you're fucking retarded.
But the times I have had real neighbors I have always avoided them at all costs. Mostly because I knew they were all assholes but partly because I was afraid they might find out I was a bigger one.
pretty calm due to the protection order
ps it still got dismissed :cool: