I want to buy a high quality bottle to use sparringly. I'm turing 22 and I don't have a job or anything so I was gonna buy it with my birthday money. I won't be using this bottle to get drunk for no reason cause i'm bored. I think i'll use it for occasions like one of my pets dies or something like that.
The size bottle would be a fifth. Here's what I have in mind.
-Crown royal
-Bottle of scotch (in movies and stuff people seem to keep a scotch under the desk or something)
Thats all I got so far. Thanks.
Things to look for:
The aging. How old is it? Typically the older it is the more it costs. However, a bottle of 21 year old Appleton's rum might be expensive, but you might not like it. That's where we get into special varieties or brand particulars. Check out places like bourbonenthusiast.com for whiskey. They have lots of reviews on tons of whiskeys. Google reviews on rums or tequilas. Some people will HATE Appleton's but love Ron Zapaca 23 Solera. It's all about personal preference.
The rarity. Rare stuff costs more. Doesn't mean it's necessarily amazing.
The flavor. Quality costs money. People with skill who make small batches will charge more for the product than Bacardi who mass produces shit rum. Flavors will vary by region, brand and even year. This is where reviews come in handy. Tasting spirits is every bit as nuanced as tasting wine. Some whiskeys have intense flavor. You may not like the flavors, though. You might prefer Buffalo Trace to Knob Creek. Good flavor is the hallmark of premium liquor, even though it might not be your favorite flavor combination.
My picks for sub-$100 liquor:
Rum: Appleton's 12 year or 21 year. Ron Zacapa 23. Havana club (anything over 7 years is great). Flor de caña (anything, 7 or over is lovely). Don't bother with 10 cane. It's too harsh. Botran makes a nice 12 year. Pyrat XO is a choice for some. Sipping rums are going to be aged a minimum of 12 years, up to 21 or so. Most premium rums aren't widely available in the US. I can't get Flor de caña where I live, for example.
Whiskey: Buffalo trace, Van Winkle. With bourbon you're going for flavor. They may or may not be super smooth. Quite a few good ones are over 100 proof. Bourbon snobs say anything less is watered down. Bourbon Enthusiast is the place to check out for recommendations. I don't drink premium bourbons, mostly because they don't sell many where I live.
Tequila: Don Julio. It's delicious. The best tequila for sipping is añejo, which is aged a minimum of 1 year I believe. Some are aged longer. Don't bother with reposado or blanco. You want añejo. It costs more than the others because it's aged longer, but it's worth it. Tequila has a nice peppery taste, it may have floral, citrusy undertones. Any good tequila in the US is going to cost you $50+ a bottle. Avoid the ilk that is Patrón. Chances are if you see it advertised in Maxim, it's not quality liquor.
Vodka: Not my thing.
Scotch: Never got into it. I think it's an old man's drink to be honest. It's also really expensive. You'll want to look into single or multiple malts and whether it's a highland or lowland. Tastes differ immensely when it comes to scotch.
Some people like Johnny Walker Blue, Green or Gold. It's really expensive, though.
Jim Beam is delicious and affordable.. not to mention it mixes well with just about anything you can think of.
I don't have a kind of liquor I drink. What i'll rule out though is rum & vodka. And I don't think i've even tried and gin or tequila. Pirce, no more than $50 (fifth)
This paticular bottle would be occasional yeah. If I want to just get drunk cause i'm bored or something i'll buy some cheap shit like steel reserve. I'll take Jim beam into consideration. :thumbsup:
Haha he said he's not looking to get drunk with it.
tis wat i hav. cheap and effective,
FUUUCK I hate scotch with the passion of a thousand burning suns.
And Gin. Gin is one of those things people either love, or despise. I love gin.
Anyway, yeah for me It's Whiskey or Gin. Jim Beam is a good cheap whiskey. Dack Janiels is fucking nasty. I like Tullamore Dew for an Irish whiskey. Beef Eater is a good mid priced gin. yum Yum.
Too bad I'm broke and can't drink till next week. FUUUuuuuu
Dat shit is potent with wonderfulness!
It's frustrating that I wrote a really long post with helpful advice and the OP completely ignored it to go buy fucking Jim Beam. It wasn't even Jim Beam Black, which is at least tolerable.
Its a great post, named a lot of shit I would never have bothered trying, but I will make an effort to now once I live near a decent liquor store. And hopefully OP will smarten up when that bottle is drained.
When I get a job and have money to throw around, i'll try other (more expensive) stuff.
These are for getting drunk, not for sipping.