Glenn Beck.

DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
edited August 2010 in Spurious Generalities
Does anyone here watch his show? It's basically the only news show that exposes whats really going on here in America. Obama has proven himself to be a Marxist as is nearly everyone in his cabinet. His socialist healthcare reform, Amnesty for illegals and his disastrous economic solutions are good examples. Glenn Beck is one of the few in the mainstream to have the courage to speak out. Im disappointed in his lack of Mention the zionist problem however. Im going to his rally on 8/28.


  • SlappySlappy Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    I watch it here and there, and one thing I've noticed is that he seems to be big on exposing the connections between the players, how their words/actions fit in with their ideology, and how it will affect us. Like he's putting together a gigantic puzzle that people who work for a living don't have time to do.

    That's the way I look at it anyway, lots of people talk shit about people who like the condensed soundbites and commentary, but the reality is that middle class conservatives who support their families don't have a lot of free time on their hands. (unlike liberals, who are likely unemployed, in college, or living with parents)
  • VickyVicky Regular
    edited August 2010
    He's been proven to be spreading unsubstantiated bullshit.
    Forty different Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars came together to release a statement condemning the hate language of Fox News, Sarah Palin, and Newt Gingrich as it relates to the so called Ground Zero mosque, “Fear-mongering and hateful rhetoric only undermine treasured values at the heart of diverse faith traditions and our nation’s highest ideals.”

    The statement released by Faith In The Public Life condemned the religious bigotry of Gingrich, Palin, and Fox News, “As Catholic, evangelical, mainline Protestant, Jewish and Muslim leaders and scholars committed to religious freedom and inter-religious cooperation, we are deeply troubled by the xenophobia and religious bigotry that has characterized some of the opposition to a proposed Islamic center and mosque near where the World Trade Center towers once stood

    Lying about the President and abortions
    On the August 17th Glenn Beck show, Beck misrepresented the Obama administration's reported intention to get rid of a Bush regulation to falsely assert that the administration "would like to force doctors who believe abortion is the equivalent -- the equivalence of murder" to perform abortions. He added that according to Obama, "it's totally cool to go forward with a mosque run by a potentially radical nutjob, and it's not -- doctors can't refuse to do procedures that they believe is murder."

    And now the facts: On February 27, 2009, reported that "The Obama administration plans to reverse a regulation from late in the Bush administration allowing health-care workers to refuse to provide services based on moral objections, an official said Friday." The regulation in question had been issued December 19, 2008, effective January 20, 2009 -- the day of President Obama's inauguration.

    Rescinding the Bush regulation will not force doctors to perform abortions, because they are already protected by federal law.

    Federal law, prohibits public officials from requiring recipients of public funds to perform abortions or sterilizations in violation of their religious or moral beliefs. And, the federal law also prohibits entities receiving public funds from discriminating against personnel who refuse to perform those procedures for those reasons.

    Lying about Medicaid
    Glenn Beck devoted almost the entire first segment of his Wednesday show to his outrage over the passage of the Educations Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act, proving that he can dream up outrage out of thin air, and demonstrating why he should not be trusted to report on anything.

    His problem with the bill, which provides $26 billion to states to help them preserve teacher jobs and pay for Medicaid, is that Washington won't admit that they have a problem with spending. He declared that the day Washington politicians admit they have a problem with spending will be "the day that monkeys fly out of my butt."

    Then, showing the national debt on screen, Beck suggested that in passing bills like this one, Washington will "make our children a slave" to debt. He later claimed that "American taxpayers, you, had to shell out another 26 billion dollars" in order save the teachers' unions that won't make concessions.

    Twenty-six billion dollars would be a lot to add to this year's deficit, except that this bill doesn't add to the deficit. According to the Congressional Budget Office, the bill would actually REDUCE the deficit by $1.4 billion over a decade.

    Lying again
    Beck claims the Michelle Obama vacation is costing the taxpayers $75,000 a day.

    CNN: White House says Obama vacation "is a private trip and is being paid for that way." On the August 6 edition of CNN's Rick's List, Brooke Baldwin reported that "it is a private trip and is being paid for that way."

    Just going plain crazy
    Beck opened the show talking about the recently enacted financial regulatory reform law. He started by declaring that the law amounted to Big Brother, and he called it "the biggest re-routing of the nation's wealth in our history" and "an unprecedented assault on our economy, our ability to do business, and quite honestly the republic as we know it."

    Saying that the new law is too complicated. He asked: "What is wrong with us, America? Why are people not in the streets? Your republic is over."

    Then he said this: "the America we grew up in is over" and warned that "this Sherrod thing is all about a government plot to take over the media."

    Beck increased the crazy factor even more a few minutes later, saying that his Fox News program is "the show of record," and went off on the "dangerous and scary time" in which we live. Warning his viewers about the plan that "people in and around this White House" have, Beck even went biblical, he said this: "This isn't the new new deal, this is an old, old deal -- maybe since the beginning of man. I believe a third of the angels fell from heaven over this plan."

    He went on to quote Psalm 23:4, the one about walking through the "valley of the shadow of death."

    Beck blamed Freddie and Fannie for the financial crisis and stated that Barney Frank and Chris Dodd "were right in there -- real important -- right there with the collapse at every level in the first place." In fact, the myths that Dodd and Frank and Fannie and Freddie were responsible for the crisis have repeatedly been debunked.

    Beck went on to claim that the financial reform law would create a "massive government bureaucracy with the power to watch your bank account and track every credit card account." In fact, the Office of Financial Research would simply collect and analyze data about potential risks to the financial system, a plan that's been endorsed by numerous economics and finance experts, including six Nobel laureates in economics.

    Beck also claimed the law would "create a protected class of arbitrarily selected companies that are too big to fail" and that it would lead to the "institutionalizing of bailouts." In fact, the orderly liquidation fund," which would be paid for by financial institutions, would be used to dismantle failing firms -- not bail them out or give them some kind of protected status.

    In an analysis of Republican claims that the legislation establishes a $50 billion fund for future bailouts, PolitiFact called the claim false, saying this: "The legislative language is pretty clear that the money must be used to completely shut down failing firms. In the actual bill it specifically says the money can not be used for bailouts."

    Near the end of the show, Beck claimed to look at the facts about Andrew Breitbart's deceptively edited video of Shirley Sherrod. Beck claimed that "the first Fox report" about the video, in which Breitbart accused Sherrod of racism, came after Sherrod had already resigned, but in fact, posted an article about the video, and the Fox Nation website linked to the video well before Sherrod's resignation.

    Beck even said that he had defended Sherrod, claiming that he took her side, but his defense included labeling her a Maoist on his Fox News show and stating on his radio show that she had discriminated against white farmers, and that her remarks on the video indicated that America has transported into 1956 except it's the other way around.

    More lies
    Now he claims your tax dollars are funding the murder of children. What he is talking about is federal money that pays for abortions under the Hyde amendment. But he claims it's in the Obama health care bill, which is a lie.

    The Hyde amendment has been in place for years and years, well before Obama was even elected the President. So nothing in the Obama health care bill has changed anything, making Beck a proven liar.

    Not to mention, abortion is not the murder of a child, because the Supreme Court ruled a baby is not a person until it can live outside the womb on it's own. This has been the law of the land (Roe v Wade) for a long time, and Beck knows it. But he still lies and claims it's murdering a child.

    Lying about Gulf Oil Spill
    On his radio show Monday, Beck explained to his audience that he had obtained (via an e-mail) information on an "executive order" issued by President Obama on July 7th, 2010.

    According to Beck, the order would do no less than reconstruct the economy of the Gulf Coast region. Even worse, Beck explained that by discussing "tribal councils" in the so-called executive order it meant that some of the so-called debt would be paid to Native American tribes.

    Wow, sounds pretty evil to me, NOT! Especially because none of it is true, Beck just made it all up. First of all, there has not been a presidential executive order issued since July 2 (and that was about securing biological agents and toxins). What Beck was talking about is a "Memorandum from the President" issued on June 30th and placed in the Federal Register on July 6th.

    Beck claimed the document showed some radical change to the Gulf Coast was going to happen, but the memo says no such thing, here is a quote:

    As I announced on June 15, 2010, and pursuant to the authority vested in me as President by the Constitution and the laws of the United States of America, I assign to the Secretary of the Navy (Secretary) the responsibility to lead the effort to create a plan of Federal support for the long-term economic and environmental restoration of the Gulf Coast region, in coordination with States, local communities, tribes, people whose livelihoods depend on the Gulf, businesses, conservationists, scientists, and other entities and persons as he deems necessary.

    In addition to working with these stakeholders, the Secretary shall coordinate, as appropriate, with the heads of executive departments and agencies, as well as offices within the Executive Office of the President (collectively, executive branch components).

    What it shows is that the President asked the Secretary of the Navy to work with local officials on a plan to restore the gulf region to its condition before the oil spill

    Plain outlandish shit
    * Obama is creating a Nazi-like civilian force.
    * Van Jones is a convicted felon.
    * ACORN is receiving billions of dollars.
    * Eco-terrorists bombed radio tower in Washington.
    * 1.7 million Tea Baggers at 9/12 rally.
    * UAW workers earn average $154.00 per hour.
    * Carbon dioxide not a dangerous pollutant.
    * Anita Dunn worships Mao.
    * Obama threatened to close Nebraska military base.

    Nice diagram showing the Goldline scam

  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited August 2010
    Glenn Beck is 100% full of shit. He's just a really shitty troll.

    edit: also, this.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    * Obama is creating a Nazi-like civilian force.
    * Van Jones is a convicted felon.
    * ACORN is receiving billions of dollars.
    * Eco-terrorists bombed radio tower in Washington.
    * 1.7 million Tea Baggers at 9/12 rally.
    * UAW workers earn average $154.00 per hour.
    * Carbon dioxide not a dangerous pollutant.
    * Anita Dunn worships Mao.
    * Obama threatened to close Nebraska military base.

    All of thats completely true theres video and other documentation to prove it. None of the stuff you listed in your post are lies. Your just being manipulated into thinking they are the liberal media.

    Fact:Obama and his associates are Socialist.

    Fact:He was born in Kenya

    Fact:He himself is racist against white people as was the church he used to attend.

    Fact: Bill Ayhers who started him in politics is a radical member of the weather underground and was responsible for many terrorist activities in the 60's

    Fact: Obama lied about closing Gitmo he lied about the wars we are in.

    Fact: Acorn was receiving billions in federal money at the time he said that.

    Fact:He's using a fake social security card and a fake birth certificate as proof of citizenship.

    I cant believe people actually still support Obama. He's going to radically transform this country and create a socialist welfare state if hes not stopped. This monkey is gonna turn us into another Africa and the media just ignores it.
  • SlappySlappy Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    I couldn't help but notice that many of those "lies" were just another news agency reporting the opposite. No actual sources, just well-crafted reporting. I also noticed a couple of blatant lies in those accusations, commented on by ol' Dirty, that obliterate any credibility the author might have been trying to convey.

    If you're trying to convince people that somebody is a liar, you should at least try to be honest about it.
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited August 2010
  • DfgDfg Admin
    edited August 2010
    I have seen him but even I can tell he is bullshitting you.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    Nothing he's said about obama can be called a lie though. The left wing media just loves to distort the truth. The only thing he's leaving out of the equation are obama and eric holders racism and the Zionists behind all this and thats not cool but you know he'd be fired in a second if he said that.
  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited August 2010
    The left wing media just loves to distort the truth.

    Yeah, and Fox News NEVER does that...:facepalm:
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah, and Fox News NEVER does that...:facepalm:

    Well all media lies. Like I said they leave the jews completly free of blame when in reality there the main cause of our problems. But over all Fox is wayy more credible than cnn or msnbc.
  • MorningsideMorningside Regular
    edited August 2010
    Fox is wayy more credible than cnn or msnbc.
    No, it isn't. I wouldn't even consider any of those you listed to be real news organizations. They're simply propaganda mills, with Fox producing the most blatant propaganda of the three. News is supposed to be impartial, but whenever I see any TV news, its just a bunch of assholes spouting their stupid fucking opinions.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    All of thats completely true theres video and other documentation to prove it. None of the stuff you listed in your post are lies. Your just being manipulated into thinking they are the liberal media.

    Fact:Obama and his associates are Socialist.

    Fact:He was born in Kenya

    Fact:He himself is racist against white people as was the church he used to attend.

    Fact: Bill Ayhers who started him in politics is a radical member of the weather underground and was responsible for many terrorist activities in the 60's

    Fact: Obama lied about closing Gitmo he lied about the wars we are in.

    Fact: Acorn was receiving billions in federal money at the time he said that.

    Fact:He's using a fake social security card and a fake birth certificate as proof of citizenship.

    I cant believe people actually still support Obama. He's going to radically transform this country and create a socialist welfare state if hes not stopped. This monkey is gonna turn us into another Africa and the media just ignores it.
    Nothing he's said about obama can be called a lie though. The left wing media just loves to distort the truth. The only thing he's leaving out of the equation are obama and eric holders racism and the Zionists behind all this and thats not cool but you know he'd be fired in a second if he said that.
    Well all media lies. Like I said they leave the jews completly free of blame when in reality there the main cause of our problems. But over all Fox is wayy more credible than cnn or msnbc.

    lol i love how you always say the craziest shit like its obvious, and you dont even bother to support your theories. haha like "i was disappointed that he forgot to mention that the jews are destroying america, along with Obama's nazi army, although hes racist against white people" (something you would say)
  • skyclaw441skyclaw441 Regular
    edited August 2010
    He is full of epic fail. All it took for me was seeing him try to say that Eisenhower stood up to Joe McCarthy and said "have you no decency?" when it was in fact Joe Welsh. He has no idea of what he's even talking about.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    glad to see you agree. i was beginning to wonder if every actually believed him because he often says bizarre things and no one comments
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited August 2010
    No, it isn't. I wouldn't even consider any of those you listed to be real news organizations. They're simply propaganda mills, with Fox producing the most blatant propaganda of the three. News is supposed to be impartial, but whenever I see any TV news, its just a bunch of assholes spouting their stupid fucking opinions.

    You didn't get the memo. They do opinion for 23 hours a day :o:o:o
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »
    glad to see you agree. i was beginning to wonder if every actually believed him because he often says bizarre things and no one comments

    Often times the truth DOES sound very bizarre I'll admit that. They always say truth is stranger than fiction and I try to spread the truth of whats really happening in America and the World. Just dig a little deeper and you'll see Im right.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    ...ok. so on what basis do you claim that obama was factually born in kenya?
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    The first digits in Obama's Social Security card are from another country. The numbers are coded to what country you were born in. Also look how defensive hes been. His own family as well as many prominent Kenyan officials have stated he was born there. His real name is Barry Soetoro.!
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    First of all, no one in that video actually said they knew Barack Obama, or even that he was born in Kenya. Personally, I think they were referring to his lineage, not his actual birthplace. Anyway, regardless of that, why would you consider random Kenyans who have no education or knowledge of the outside world as a source?

    As for a birth certificate:
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »
    First of all, no one in that video actually said they knew Barack Obama, or even that he was born in Kenya. Personally, I think they were referring to his lineage, not his actual birthplace. Anyway, regardless of that, why would you consider random Kenyans who have no education or knowledge of the outside world as a source?

    As for a birth certificate:

    Thats a forged biurth certificate. used is bias towards Obama. Not only dioes a US president have to be born inm America but I dont want to trust someone from Africa to run us. Look what theyve done with Africa already.
  • edited August 2010
    All of thats completely true theres video and other documentation to prove it. None of the stuff you listed in your post are lies. Your just being manipulated into thinking they are the liberal media.

    Fact:Obama and his associates are Socialist.

    Fact:He was born in Kenya

    Fact:He himself is racist against white people as was the church he used to attend.

    Fact: Bill Ayhers who started him in politics is a radical member of the weather underground and was responsible for many terrorist activities in the 60's

    Fact: Obama lied about closing Gitmo he lied about the wars we are in.

    Fact: Acorn was receiving billions in federal money at the time he said that.

    Fact:He's using a fake social security card and a fake birth certificate as proof of citizenship.

    I cant believe people actually still support Obama. He's going to radically transform this country and create a socialist welfare state if hes not stopped. This monkey is gonna turn us into another Africa and the media just ignores it.

    You'd best be trolling, nigger.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    You'd best be trolling, nigger.

    If telling the truth is trolling then I geuss I am. Remember only those who truley want to know the truth will understand the truth.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    Why do you think it is forged? Is the newspaper also forged?

    "used"... what? If you mean that website, on the contrary I have found it has a slightly republican bias. Of course being biased does not mean that they will blatantly lie to cover up for Obama, either.

    As for that last part ;), we'll just keep it between you and me
    Not only does a US president have to be born in America but I am not racist and would certainly not subscribe to the primitive view that Africans are inferior to other peoples
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »
    Why do you think it is forged? Is the newspaper also forged?

    "used"... what? If you mean that website, on the contrary I have found it has a slightly republican bias. Of course being biased does not mean that they will blatantly lie to cover up for Obama, either.

    As for that last part ;), we'll just keep it between you and me


    Well racial science would suggest they actually are inferior in regard to intelligence and morality. However they are better athletes and make very good entertainment. Race goes beyond skin color. My evidence for it being fake is all the evidence pointing to him being kenyan.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    *sigh* I was really hoping that that link would at least be some of the "evidence" pointing to him being kenyan.

    As a whole inferior in regard to iq, perhaps. however, iq does not equal intelligence and no one is inferior in morality. besides, there are hundreds of thousands of Africans with higher iqs than you, and probably quite a few with higher iqs than me. Barack Obama is likely one such person
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »
    *sigh* I was really hoping that that link would at least be some of the "evidence" pointing to him being kenyan.

    As a whole inferior in regard to iq, perhaps. however, iq does not equal intelligence and no one is inferior in morality. besides, there are hundreds of thousands of Africans with higher iqs than you, and probably quite a few with higher iqs than me. Barack Obama is likely one such person

    Barracks half white. And if there not inferior to whites in Morality then what do you make of the rampant rape murder corruption and cannibalism in all of Africa. Why do they have the highest crime rates everywhere. Africa and Haiti should be a clear example of what happens when Negro's are allowed to run a country.

    As for Obama being born in Kenya here:
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited August 2010
    Bill O'Reilly told the birthers to shove it. Bill. Fucking. O'Reilly. Give it up.
  • VickyVicky Regular
    edited August 2010
    Barracks half white. And if there not inferior to whites in Morality then what do you make of the rampant rape murder corruption and cannibalism in all of Africa. Why do they have the highest crime rates everywhere. Africa and Haiti should be a clear example of what happens when Negro's are allowed to run a country.

    As for Obama being born in Kenya here:

    It is a nation suffering from severe poverty, if it was a bunch of white people in those circumstances in that environment things would be no different.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    Vicky wrote: »
    It is a nation suffering from severe poverty, if it was a bunch of white people in those circumstances in that environment things would be no different.

    Yeah but why are they in such poverty? The fact is the only African country that worked was white run south Africa. Then the blacks get it and bam its like everyone else. Every other continent made it but no not Africa. You dont think theres a reason for that?
  • fanglekaifanglekai Regular
    edited August 2010
    Yeah but why are they in such poverty? The fact is the only African country that worked was white run south Africa. Then the blacks get it and bam its like everyone else. Every other continent made it but no not Africa. You dont think theres a reason for that?

    Yeah, they have no infrastructure. South Africa was british run for a long time. It's still doing well. England colonized a shitton of countries, and they set up infrastructure there. They developed the land and started businesses and the rule of law. Spain didn't do that. They basically raped the land and stole all the gold and silver. The only rule of law they brought in was the fucking inquisition. If Mexico had been colonized by the English and not the Spanish, it'd be a vastly different country today.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    fanglekai wrote: »
    Yeah, they have no infrastructure. South Africa was british run for a long time. It's still doing well. England colonized a shitton of countries, and they set up infrastructure there. They developed the land and started businesses and the rule of law. Spain didn't do that. They basically raped the land and stole all the gold and silver. The only rule of law they brought in was the fucking inquisition. If Mexico had been colonized by the English and not the Spanish, it'd be a vastly different country today.

    South Africas doing well? They have the highest rate of aid's in the world they have the highest raper and murder rates in the world. Theres over 50 percent unemployed .Its one of the biggest shitholes on this planet. Yeah they were colonized and all that but by now dont you think they shouldve been able to figure out a way to make it? The fact is there keeping there selves in this situation. Plenty of places have been colonized and raped and still managed to make it.
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010

    check your facts motherfucker. You can't just pull shit out of your ass and expect people to believe you. Besides, you conviently forgot to mention that while South Africa is high on the murder and rape lists (unemployment??? not really), many other African countries dont even bother to draw up statistics, and South Africa easily beats them.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »

    check your facts motherfucker. You can't just pull shit out of your ass and expect people to believe you. Besides, you conviently forgot to mention that while South Africa is high on the murder and rape lists (unemployment??? not really), many other African countries dont even bother to draw up statistics, and South Africa easily beats them.

    So south Africas the best smelling turd in the toilet. Wow great acomplishment there:rolleyes: Face it south Africa is a shithole just like every other country that allows blacks to rule. Haiti is a fine example of this look what happened when they drove out the white leaders.
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited August 2010
    So south Africas the best smelling turd in the toilet. Wow great acomplishment there:rolleyes: Face it south Africa is a shithole just like every other country that allows blacks to rule.

    Where do you live?
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited August 2010
    We let blacks rule.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    Gary Oak wrote: »
    We let Jews rule who try to empower the blacks so they can manipulate there simple minds into doing there bidding.

    Fixed. Just because we have a black president doesn't mean they rule the nation. In Africa literally everyone in government is black in those country's.
  • Gary OakGary Oak Regular
    edited August 2010
    Jews aren't that good at unifying, just look at Israel.
  • DirtySanchezDirtySanchez Regular
    edited August 2010
    Gary Oak wrote: »
    Jews aren't that good at unifying, just look at Israel.

    Yes look at Israel there all focused on furthering the Jewish race pretty damn united if you ask me. Thats why there such a threat.
  • SlappySlappy Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    ashenblood wrote: »

    Holy shit!!! I checked the facts, and South Africa is pretty fucking racist against minorities to the point of actually LYNCHING them. Like the US did in 18 fucking 60. I wonder where the worldwide outrage is?
  • ashenbloodashenblood Acolyte
    edited August 2010
    idk what your point is, those sites have nothing to do with what i was discussing. I was simply pointing out that dirtysanchez said they had the highest rates of murders and aids in the world and over 50% unemployment. This is not true. The argument isnt about whether South Africa is bad, its about how bad and why.
  • VickyVicky Regular
    edited August 2010
    South Africa just hosted the World Cup, better than America.

    Also just for lulz, more Glenn Beck LIES
    Lee writes that Fox News, and in particular Glenn Beck, continues to ignore the facts "in an attempt to smear the Administration's efforts to win the Olympics for the United States."

    The White House blog post continues to delineate what it deems misleading rhetoric on Obama's Olympics efforts. An example:

    RHETORIC: BECK SAID VANCOUVER LOST $1 BILLION WHEN IT "HAD THE OLYMPICS." Glenn Beck said, "Vancouver lost, how much was it? they lost a billion dollars when they had the Olympics." [Transcript, Glenn Beck Show, 9/29/09]

    REALITY: VANCOUVER'S OLYMPICS WILL NOT TAKE PLACE UNTIL 2010. Vancouver will host the 2010 Olympic and Paralympic Games from February 12 - 28, 2010 and March 12-21, 2010, respectively. [, accessed 9/29/09]
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited August 2010
    I don't like Glenn Beck. He's a poopie head and vomits a lot of bullshit. My grandmother likes him though. She is old and fat and is a racist/sexist/ultra conservative bigot. I still love her of course, she's my grandmother. If you're actually going to that rally (which is complete blasphemy against civil equality btw) tell her I said "HAI" she'll be the fat old lady drinking Milwaukee's Best Light scratching herself in lewd places while listening to Conway Twitty full blast and regurgitating Mr. Beck's hate propaganda.
  • edited August 2010
    I don't like Glenn Beck. He's a poopie head and vomits a lot of bullshit. My grandmother likes him though. She is old and fat and is a racist/sexist/ultra conservative bigot. I still love her of course, she's my grandmother. If you're actually going to that rally (which is complete blasphemy against civil equality btw) tell her I said "HAI" she'll be the fat old lady drinking Milwaukee's Best Light scratching herself in lewd places while listening to Conway Twitty full blast and regurgitating Mr. Beck's hate propaganda.

    It's incredible that America still has so many people willing to hear Beck's crap. As more of the old people die off, we'll have to deal with less and less of this old-timer conservative bullshit.

    Also, It's important to realize something about people like Glenn Beck and Bill O'Reilly and Sean Hannity and so on.

    That thing is that they do not necessarily believe the things that they say. They are paid actors that Fox hands down opinions and talking points to.
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