Dyphenhydramine Trip

StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
edited August 2010 in Man Cave
I was reading through a lot of the text files in the Drugs section and remembering how I used to take lots of dyphenhydramine all the time. It was actually the first substance I ever abused for inebriation. I'd only ever hallucinated once because of it before though and that was years ago when I was fresh out of highschool so I decided it was time to try it again.
Its is a really cheap and quick high. I went to Walmart after work and bought a box of generic Benadryl. It cost something like $1.75 for 24 pills each with 25mgs of dyphenhydramine. That's 600mgs total. According to BAD Trip Off Benadryl this is more than enough to cause hallucinations. I took these on the walk home by the time I made it to my house the effects had begun. 30 minutes later I started getting auditory hallucinations. I heard people talking in the living room but nobody was there and the television was off. I decided then that it would be a good idea to lock myself in my bedroom and wrote a note on my hand with a sharpie which said "You're okay! You are just hallucinating DON'T PANIC!"
Locking my bedroom door only kept me away from the rest of the house for a few minutes. I got cottonmouth really bad and when I was coming back from the fridge one of my coworkers was standing in my room petting my dog and asked me what I was looking for to which I replied "Not that thing we cut the onions with but the things we put in it... Onions. Where are the onions?" Then he wasn't there. Later another coworker showed up to tell me that it was obvious that I was fucked up. I had several meaningless conversations with relatives and classmates. Many of them told me to speak up because they couldn't hear me.
I went for a walk and saw my niece as a baby playing with a red toy truck in the middle of the road. I stared at her while walking past and then when I turned back she wasn't there but the toy truck was. People I know/knew popped up from behind bushes and trees to ask me questions or tell me something. I saw some garbage backs and a big green dumpster at the end of someone's driveway and decided to try to put the bags in it. Then for some reason I walked down the drive to the carport and a man opened the door. He asked me what the hell I was doing and I said something about being really tired and on my way home from work. I told him I was going home to get some sleep and he told me that was a good idea. This scared me because I'm pretty sure it wasn't a hallucination. When I got back home I stayed in my room for a while to settle down. I tried to get on totse but couldn't manage. My sister who hasn't lived with me for over a decade opened the door, poked her head in and asked if I wanted to go to a clinic. I just stared at her for a moment then shook my head and she was gone, the door was shut.
I spent most the rest of this trip stumbling around the house looking for something and stopping myself because I couldn't remember what it was I had been looking for. I'm very lucky I didn't wake anyone because it would've been very obvious that I was on drugs. Looking in the mirror was mesmerizing but unbearable. My dad woke around 7am and I decided to take a shower then go to bed. Despite what you may have heard I found it easy to fall asleep. When I woke my bedroom was clean and I couldn't find what I had done with my pipe and tobacco so sometime during the trip I cleaned up. All in all it was an okay experience and the note on my hand helped a few times. At some points the hallucinations were so intense that I thought I was someplace other than my home: outside or at work or someplace I didn't know. Unfortunately a lot of it is really hazy. I don't think I'll be doing this again for a few years.


  • mashlehashmashlehash Regular
    edited August 2010
    Sounds like Diphenhydramine.
  • HTS-NoobHTS-Noob Regular
    edited August 2010
    Benedryl and Gravol are... interesting.
  • StephenPBarrettStephenPBarrett Adviser
    edited August 2010
    I don't know if its the same thing in dramamine that does it but you get the same effects with less pills. I was on that once and was trying to wash some clothes. I had been drinking tea before and mom interrupted me while I was about to put the detergent in the machine then I thought the cap of detergent was my tea and almost swallowed a mouthful. She was pissed.
  • jamie madroxjamie madrox Sith Lord
    edited August 2010
    Dramamine is dimenhydrinate, it always made me more tired than benadryl. The auditory hallucinations are the best though. I would always hear music and shit.
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