Seriously, I just sprayed a wasp with this shit and it started spazzing out on my bed, looked like it was trying to sting itself to death before the bug spray killed it.
Try spraying a decent sized cockroach with that shit.......Those things are like a tank with legs.
You can literally soak them in raid and they still eat everything in your fridge, drink all the beers
then fuck off and die.
Almost all of the ingredients in household insecticides are neurotoxins. Each of the main ingredients currently used in Raid, Permethrin, Tetramethrin, Cypermethrin and Imiprothrin all are neurotoxins.
EDIT: Also, these chemicals are shitty at killing people. Very high doses will cause damage to the brain or nervous system, but they wouldn't be comparable to military nerve agents.
So, what exactly does military grade nerve gas do to humans?
Nerve gas works on the nervous system. It blocks acetylcholinsterase which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. If acetylcholine isnt broken down, you'll get a bunch of it at the synapse and it'll continue to work. One of it's main functions is controlling muscle and as it continues to act, the muscles will keep being contracted and won't be able to relax. This will cause bunches of problems everywhere in the body as muscle contraction/relaxation are quite important to do things such as breathing.
Those fuckers never die i had one behind my fridge for like 3 months before i finally gave up on trying to kill it and trapped it and tossed it in the toilet. I tried everything, i held a torch lighter up to it but i casually walked away, i sprayed roach killer on it and it just scurried on like nothing was wrong, and i tried stomping on it a million times but that fucker wouldn't die:mad:
Nerve gas works on the nervous system. It blocks acetylcholinsterase which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. If acetylcholine isnt broken down, you'll get a bunch of it at the synapse and it'll continue to work. One of it's main functions is controlling muscle and as it continues to act, the muscles will keep being contracted and won't be able to relax. This will cause bunches of problems everywhere in the body as muscle contraction/relaxation are quite important to do things such as breathing.
You really DO learn something new everyday with &T, don't you.
I found this information here.
So yeah, like said it's basically nerve gas.
Interesting how they use chemicals to keep the stuff inside the bug once they breathe it in too. Pretty awesome stuff.
You can literally soak them in raid and they still eat everything in your fridge, drink all the beers
then fuck off and die.
The best I could find was 36.8%
You could try and distill it, but I don't think that's a very good idea.
Almost all of the ingredients in household insecticides are neurotoxins. Each of the main ingredients currently used in Raid, Permethrin, Tetramethrin, Cypermethrin and Imiprothrin all are neurotoxins.
EDIT: Also, these chemicals are shitty at killing people. Very high doses will cause damage to the brain or nervous system, but they wouldn't be comparable to military nerve agents.
Nerve gas works on the nervous system. It blocks acetylcholinsterase which breaks down the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. If acetylcholine isnt broken down, you'll get a bunch of it at the synapse and it'll continue to work. One of it's main functions is controlling muscle and as it continues to act, the muscles will keep being contracted and won't be able to relax. This will cause bunches of problems everywhere in the body as muscle contraction/relaxation are quite important to do things such as breathing.
The survivor of a nuclear holocaust.:mad:
Mainly you lose control of your muscles, you convulse, piss, shit then stop breathing.
You really DO learn something new everyday with &T, don't you.