My head hurts atm so I am just making a draft which I will later update to make a guide if everything works out.
Since the dawn of science, curious men always wondered about the cosmic connection. Life on earth seemed controlled and many good folks spend great deal of time trying to find the connection. Some people turned to religion while the rest looked elsewhere. So, after centuries of putting 2 and 2 together mankind finally got the idea that maybe our creator came from outer space or if we exist maybe someone else existed in another galaxy just like us.
From that point onwards, the hunt to find another planet started. Mankind wanted to ask questions from the Aliens and they hoped that maybe they were advanced enough to help mankind survive which is just plain stupid.
From Sci-fi novels to countless movies, mankind has tried everything in their power to spark the imagination of everyone and embed the strong belief that maybe someone/thing exists out there. These works of fiction later helped people to dream up different scenarios about Alien kidnappings and UFO's sightings.
The believers of Aliens are just like any relglion followers, instead of GOD they blindly believe that they exist and secretly hope they meet them in person. Some fear them but I feels it's stupid to fear something that doesn't even show up.
The point is, people want to believe in UFO's and whatnot. They just need a little push and a trollish story of your brief encounter with an Alien.
The aim of this thread is to point out the key factors that makes a UFO story legit and to make a conclusive guide that can be used to troll UFO lovers into believing that some place etc is visited by Aliens. In short, we're trying to fool some fanatics and making them research our fake findings. Also, we're going to get some traffic out of it as well.
Things you need
- Creativity
- Location
- Factual Data
- Photographs
- Fake Medical Records
- Some Made Up Affidavits
- A Believable Fake Story
- Miscellaneous
This is just a basic list. You might need more things depending on your situation.
I will add more once I sleep. Like I said my head hurts and I just ate breakfast 20 mins ago. Which means I just started my fast. Add some resources,tips and information in this thread for me. So, I make this guide at least factual.
I'm convinced that 9/10 UFO sightings are just a bunch of people who got together and decided to make some shit up. Just do that. Get organized with people from different areas of where ever it is that you live to call in sightings of the same object over a period of time.
Get dozens of seemingly unrelated individuals to participate and it'll probably make the news.
Trollin' for centuries.