Also, forgot to post here before English. Oh well, I still have a buzz.
I'm worried as to whether or not using a bong with nitrous would cause a fireball beginning in the chamber and moving through to your lungs. Is nitrous even flammable?
Anyway, I think I'm just going to buy a whole bunch of nitrous chargers and use this fancy ISI whipper that I have but cannot recall buying.
Also, why does wake and bake feel better than smoking at other times of the day?
JAA ~ Possibly because the brain isn't fatigued with processing electrical signals for the past X hours + some rocket fuel = good high ?
Do it, then write a how to.
Also, forgot to post here before English. Oh well, I still have a buzz.
I'm worried as to whether or not using a bong with nitrous would cause a fireball beginning in the chamber and moving through to your lungs. Is nitrous even flammable?
Anyway, I think I'm just going to buy a whole bunch of nitrous chargers and use this fancy ISI whipper that I have but cannot recall buying.
I did four shots of whiskey and felt nothing.
Thank god for the marijuana.
That's pretty cool.
Also, stoned.