Forum databases - CARDING FORUMS
Mods: if this isn't the correct forum to post this in please move it as you see fit.
I have a few forum databases for several carding sites, now closed/busted/shut down. THESE ARE SQL DUMPS FROM EITHER VB OR PHPBB (and not webwhacker or teleport-pro)
These include, (Sept 2003, before CJ took it over; Feb 2004, after CJ when it was a sting), (several SQL dumps, various dates) (original, from "dprofit")
CCPOWERFORUMS - SQL dump but missing some tables
"El Mariachi" related boards (he was an FBI-snitch fag but he also ran several carding (and anti-carding) boards full of drama-queen tirades about "the scene")
- Metalshop
- TheUIN
- Cardercrew (Muzzfuzz) (actually ran by Decepgal)
- DarkOperations (this is the source for some of these SQL dumps, as this site ran these as archived forums).
Question to you all:
Does someone want to buy these?
Make Offer?
Give away?
Are these even worth saving for posterity? Put them online for all to enjoy?
Does anyone have SamuraiNetwork archive? Reward if you do!
Possibly not. Start a new thread in BI for some help?
data from the web site or do I need some kind of permission?. I am doing a school project.
information from the site or do I need some kind of permission?. I am writing a school project.
DDDouble post