So there's this white trash family that moved into my apartment complex. They're not really next door, they're down a few units from me. Anyway they're fucking annoying. They blast shitty music and are constantly sitting on these other people's patio furniture. I don't even know who all lives there because there are 2 girls, a baby, 2 middle aged women and a guy who are constantly over there at the 1 bedroom apartment. The stupid fucking guy just broke a bunch of bottles by the dumpsters. It's like wtf is wrong with you? Break the bottles IN the dumpster you stupid motherfucker. Goddamit people are dumb. Now there's glass everywhere.
Seriously, it drives most hicks crazy.
That shit use to annoy the fuck out of me....should annoy them to.:rolleyes:
I think a prank is in order.
Oh they are, but they sit outside and drink 40s in paper bags :facepalm:
:facepalm: You got me. Trolling was successful.
Fuck yeh! Maybe a bright future awaits these kids if they get put in foster home('s), or not.
When dealing with white trash the cops can only stop them for a little while before they return to there old ways.