3D porn

fanglekaifanglekai Regular
edited December 2010 in Life
3D Porn


Yes, porn is now in 3D. Take a deep breath, because you're going to need it.

In order to watch 3D porn you need 3D glasses. Here are some from amazon.com for cheap: http://www.amazon.com/Pro-AnaTM-Prescription-Glasses-Movies-Screens/dp/B002T0D81C/ref=pd_ecc_rvi_cart_1

Now for the 3D porn: http://youporn.com/3d

There's not much there, but as you can see, it's porn and it's 3D.

Other stuff:

So with the 3D craze comes 3D porn like this site: http://galleries.adultartnetwork.com/11/a31/?wmid=919

It's really just CGI, but they're marketing it as 3d porn. What are your thoughts on CGI porn? Do you prefer the real thing? What's your favorite kind of porn?


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