In this thread i will cover a few basics on LP, who they are and tips on how to spot them.
So Who Are LP?
LP - Loss Prevention, These are the people that are hired by stores to ensure that if the goods come off the shelves that they are paid for
Where Do LP Work?
In near enough every major chain store you can bet that there will be at least one LP on duty each day, proberly even more.
LP are less likey to work at smaller retailers, also places like petrol stations corner shops privatly owned bussinesses.
What do LP look like?
This is an impossible question to answer, they come in all types and ages.
But bare in mind that at lower end retail stores they are money likey to have younger people working for them(less experiance = less pay)
And in higher end stores more likey slighty older people(more experiance=higher pay)
How can i avoid LP?
Put simply you cant, you have to make LP avoid you
So how do i do that then?
LP are trained to look for certain traits in people to be suspious of them here is a few
-Wearing oversized clothing
-Wearing a coat in the middle of the summer
-General Nervousness
-Paying more attenetion to there surrondings than there shopping
-Quick walking
-Avoiding store staff
-Not checking prices on items that are being picked up
-General 'Lotiering' about the store
-Large groups of people comming in one car, but entering at different times/going to different sections of the store
-Keeps entering a blind spot out of cameras and employess view, and depositing items there
-Looking around all the expensive stuff in the store, then buying a £1 item
-Walking into store, looking around and then going to the returns desk
-Enerting with empty bags from said store
-Making a lot of noise and attempting to attarct some attention(reverse social enginering)
How Can I Tell If Someone Is A LP?
Not even normal sales people at stores dont know who the LP are, so there are trained to blend in, heres a few giveaway signs
-Person looks out of place
-Not interested in shopping(doesnt look at item before picking it up)
-Basket full of non perisiable items
-Ear pieces
-Bulky Radio in back pocket
-Walking down the ends of all aisles, looking down all of them
-You keep seeing this person in the store
-Talking quietly on a phone
-Checking out other peoples shopping
-Wearing unsuitable clothing for the current weather
-Looking aggorent
-Hanging around high value items
SHIT I Think LP Spotted Me WTF Should I Do?
Relax, as long as you havnt left the store yet you havnt stolen anything, doesnt matter if you have put it into your bag or pocket or whatever its not theft until you leave, if you think they are onto you just dump all your shit and gtfo as long as you havnt actually stolen anything they cant do shit.
Another was a dude who looked like he just got married, you know the type. He had items in his hands like bachelorish stuff, lol.
your last paragraph is false, in florida at least. i had to take a class on theft when i got caught and you CAN be charged for concealment even if you did not leave the store. it rarely happens but they can legally press charges for concealment.
Or just dump the shit and bail.
Zoklet maybe.?. :rolleyes: