There's some good info in there but I don't see how this is worth a sticky. Maybe a thread consisting of many resources including the ops link but definitly not this alone.
This book is the official bad ideas guide book, how to extract dope, stealing shit, free housing, scamming the gubment been readint it for like 2 hours now thanks for the link man
I have the ebook if anyone wants me to upload it.
Not sure why "Fuck your wall" is stickied, as I haven't read it.
But also, I was unaware that this was worth a read, at skimming it looks like it is.
Is that a pun? I know why one is stickied, and don't know why the other is, because I haven't read up on the topics of 'em?
Thanks for thy linkage.
(worst post ever)
Hahaha, this dude, this.