I remember when I was 5, I got a computer game in a happy meal. I put the disk in the computer and after a little while, I got a message "this program has preformed an illegal operation and will be shut down." I shat brix. I quickly took the disk out of the computer and broke it, then put it in a blender. I then hid in my closet until the morning thinking police were going to come get me.
What lulzy things have you done as a little kid?
How the fuck did you manage to do that?
I was decieved into doing that once. It burned like no burn my penis has ever suffered:sad:
It used to be a big thing back then. I recall commercials on TV saying that bruises, pimples and itches could be symptoms. LOL :facepalm:
It traumatized me till I was 7, that's when I learned about sex-ed in elementary school.
He drank it.
I've ALWAYS wanted to do this to someone. Did he drink the whole bottle? Or just a sip and spat it out? xD
If I remember correctly, he drank a little bit and his face was like "wtf?" but he then drank some more until he realised it was piss. Muahaha!
Two sips!
We immediately felt like rebels.
a few minutes passed and we wanted to get out, but we couldn't. Turns out we were all stuck there and after about 30 minutes, the teachers came out and heard my friend crying. The fire brigade had to be called out and cut us out of the tube.
Also, as for the OP about "illegal operations", my retarded 23 year old "friend" got this message with Quake 4 and had a similar reaction.
He is a very special individual. i don't think he's even seen a pair of tits in his life.
When we were 7, my friend and I wanted to play "fireman", so we took a plastic bucket and put a soda can full of gasoline in it, then we pissed on it. It didn't go out, and we were out of piss. So now the plastic bucket is on fire and we just run and hide under a bush to watch it burn. A car comes soon after, and the driver didn't see it. Then something along the lines of this happened.
We were shitting ourselves now, and managed to run like hell without the driver seeing.
Shitty story is shitty and lacking copious amounts of lulz.
another time me and my friend had a fort in this woods that had a mattress..long story short, it caught on fire when we were dicking around lighting some strands of dry cloth on fire. we had to franticly run down to this stream and get bottles of water and run back to the fire n try to put it out..after 30 minutes we heard fire sirens so we ran the fuck out of there..they came and put it out. never got caught:o:o
i used to play "real life" paper poy. you remember that game? where you run threw yards on your bike and throw newspaper through peoples windows. I would just ride my bike through a serious of connected front yards and get people pissed off chasing me..
me and my best friend knew about this house where everyone was arrested and nobody was sure if anyone lived there..we went to the back door and pushed. it was unlocked..after many motivational talks, we finally went inside. everything smelled like SHIT. old shit everywhere. didnt find anything real interesting at first, but as I was digging through a suitcase in this room, i pulled out a sandwich baggie with green stuff in it..first time we got high
will post moar as i think of shit
u were 1 of those kids that ppl had 2 hide there toys from cus u wood always brake them
Praying to God is never stupid.
At even at such a young age did you not think that may be a strange thing to do?
Lucky for the cat, my dad caught me before the paper caught alight and kicked my ass.
It's pointless. God is a silly fairytale invented for those too weak to understand or admit that life sucks, then you die. The end.
Quoted this just because it was funny. Reminds me of all the shit I used to do to my little brother, then getting the shit smacked out of me. Or the belt.... man the belt sucks. If I ever accidently have kids, they're getting the belt as soon as they come out of the womb for being a damned accident
Anyway, I was climbing a tree near my house, and I jumped the last five or so feet down and got a rusty nail through my shoe/foot. Thought it was kind of cool that a nail went through my shoe, until I realized my foot was in the shoe... I think the tetnus shot scared me more at that age though.
Hope you don't live in europe...
That's a pretty fucked up story.....I like!
I remember reading that when I was real young. I think it was in either playboy or penthouse. It also had the one about the kid who jacks it with wax down is dickhole then it becomes lodged in his bladder.
I was like 3 or 4 at the oldest. I eventually got one so far stuck up my nose I had to go to the hospital.
Hahaha, I bet that was fun to explain to the doctors
Blue state. As long as you don't abuse the shit out of your kids it's not a problem. They can't outlaw spanking your kid... Punching them in the throat is a different story.
I don't remember much of going. Mostly family members trying to get it out of my nose with forks, tweezers and long fingernails.