The reason I ask this is because a surprising amount of people don't seem to change their passwords enough. They use the same pass for every site they register on, keep the same email address for everything, etc.
I dunno, maybe I'm just paranoid. I change mine every month or two - in fact I changed my password for &T just the other day.
I use a different individual pass for anything linked to my real life and for every email account I use, and I change those about twice a year. I never type 'em in in a computer which isn't mine, so I don't see the need to change them more often.
In forum & site subscriptions, however, I use the same pass everywhere, but I use different online identities which I keep strictly seperated. So password reuse is a major security flaw, albeit contained to each specific online identity. If DFG / Hellish wanted to, he'd be able to log into my Zoklet and my old Totse account (if it were still around). And I've been using that pass for the last 3 years I think (could be 4). So yeah, I don't change my passwords often enough.
This really isn't a bad idea especially if you have been hoping around a few fringe sites.
But even still, I really fancy a reboot. I'd lose my editor status on TOTSE though
i dunno dude; from what I can tell you're pretty respected here, no need to run back to the shadows now that people can pick you out of a few crowds. I think Dfg has it spot on; it's all about confidence in yourself without acting a cunt to others and although people will begin to associate you from one site to another and although it wouldn't be hard for his family to know about totse nor vise versa, it's all good in a way? I can't see him getting dox'd anytime soon..
Just practice remembering random alphanumeric numbers and break them down into easier to manage chunks a 16char random pass is easier to remember when you break it into 4 4 char blocks, and once you can do that, and type it without thinking,
well its simple to remember another one and combine them to make a 32 char randomly generated pass, and use them in different combinations to create new ones, good fucking luck trying to crack that, its more feasible to try to exploit whatever software
the pass is being used in then id imagine.
EDIT, oh just to clarify, such a large pass really should only be used for things of importance, not something trivial, fde pass, its a good idea, online banking if you use it ok, disposable email probably too much effort
Same here. I often forget half of the email addresses that I'm using. Thankfully &T is pretty much the last place I post on. After this, I'll start again from fresh and forget all my other emails/passwords.