What if somehow the people you knew IRL found out you posted on totse and new your user name? I would be :facepalm: so fucking hard. It would be lame. Or even worse your family discovered your posts. Im not much different here than in real life still though it would suck.
(Various faces)
He already said he was going to jail once hella long ago cuz the sand feds found out about him, whatever happened to that??:o:rolleyes::o
Nah, I am just a small fish and even if they caught me. I can get out of sticky situations easily. There is something called trolling mate .
I went up and I was like "oh hay lol I herd u mention totse". He was like "wut, whats your username". I was like "almightyvineman lol" and he was like "NO WAI" and I was like " :hai: ".
True story.
Most of them just spending time in facebook and twitter
I've actually brought up totse in a few conversations with my father and told him about all the lulzy shit that I just commented on; he's pretty cool and into guns and booze so it's just something vague we have in common.
I really wish this happened and he made the news with &T written on his forehead.
That's pretty cool. I don't think I'd ever walk up to someone and ask them about Totse like that. I'd definitely need at least 2-3 days of stalking first.
I show some threads to friends, but they never seem interested enough to want more Totse
"shame is for people under 40"
Family: they would flip shit.
Friends: see that i'm way, way sicker than they realize.