From 1979 to 1989 the Soviet Union waged war against the Islamic menace in Afghanistan but because the US and the world would not stand with them the invasion failed. We gave the Muslims weapons that they now use on us. It was true stupidity on Americas part. Even though I hate communism it is better than taliban. Let us remember the brave soviets who fought these scum before we even saw them as a threat. If we had supported them maybe today's war wouldn't have to happen.
As the above poster said, that war was really a "if we get Afghanistan we may survive for a few more years, hopefully by then we can find a way out" type of war.
On the other hand the Russians have always had problems with Muslims - like in Chechnya.
No the greatest stupidity that the US government has ever shown in their relations with Muslims is the way they allow themselves to be manipulated my Israel.
All those extremist Muslims didn't originally want to destroy America because of it's Americanism - they wanted to destroy you because you support Israel.
That's the Number one motivation for all the attacks on America.
AMEN I agree our support for Israel is a large cause of there hatred towards us. Honestly though there so backwards that it is also more than that. If you draw Muhammad you get death. Looking at my avatar I'm sure you can guess I'm no fan of Israel either but Muslims are just as big of a threat although there merely a symptom of the Jewish disease.
Also, if you want to know more about the Soviet war in Afghanistan watch a Russian movie called 9 Rota, or 9th Company.