I came in this thread to type that religion is gay. not just islam (which is the most retarded) but also christianity and judaism zomg hell SPARE ME ALLAH BISMILLAHI RAHMANI RAHIM LAI LA ELLA LA MUHHAMADA RASOOLALA DON'T HURT ME ALLAH PLEASE OMG SPARE ME I DIDN'T CUM ON IT I DIDN'T CUM ON IT OMG JESUS anyway fuck that shit yeah i'm a gangster be jealous.
Dear dirtysanchez, tell me why christianity is superior to any other religion.
Because I said so.:p Actually I don't hate all other religions but I do hate Islam. There just stupid Jews. They hate Christians and white people but I don't here you condemn that. The hypocrisy of the common left winger never gets old. Also Christianity doesn't advocated fucking 9 year olds so thats a plus. Really the simple reason that I hate Islam is that it's an anti white religion. I'm fine living in a country made of Christians, Pagans and even Atheists and Satanists but Islam has no place in the western world.
I wasnt being serious with the whole because I said so thing. Read the rest where I talk about why i really hate Islam.
Yeh, everybody knows you hate Islam. Could've put a little ':o' or ':p' after the 'Because I said so' to avoid any misunderstanding. It's hard to read sarcasm
Who gives a fuck about which religion is superior? They all suck anyway...
So are you going to shit on it or what?
Ok I'll play along. Lets say all religion is bad ok? The only problem is Islam seems to have the nasty of flying airplanes into buildings, Fucking kids, Stoning women for not wearing a Bhurka, Murdering people who draw there prophet, beheading contractors, throwing acid at young girls who want to attend school, blowing themselves up, calling for death to Americans and the list goes on and on. You know little things like that.
D/S; this thread has so much more potential. Don't worry buddy, we are here to support your efforts.
Shoot for the stars, son.. I'm thinking news broadcasts. Figure out how to cause so much shit that &T makes it to TV. Actually, don't stop there - try starting a holy war. :thumbsup:
D/S; this thread has so much more potential. Don't worry buddy, we are here to support your efforts.
Shoot for the stars, son.. I'm thinking news broadcasts. Figure out how to cause so much shit that &T makes it to TV. Actually, don't stop there - try starting a holy war. :thumbsup:
I want holy war. That's my ultimate goal but how do I make this happen? I need ideas on how to further piss off the Muslim community.
You guy's are right. I will cause holy war and in the process bring fame to totse. This will happen. I swear it. I don't fear Jizzlamic scum. God is on MY side.:mad::mad:
EDIT: Wait what if Dfg issue's a Fatwah on me? Thats a sure way to start holy war.
See though thats the problem. Most Muslims arent moderate such as yourself. Most hold extremist beliefs and declared holy war on the infidels. The Muslim religion is what caused 9/11. How does it teach tolerance when cartoonists who depict Muhammad are killed? Also whats wrong with Christianity bro?
Makes sense.
On second thought it seems too well written to be ShitMustache.
Shut up, "national anarchist" faggot.
U mad? Fuck Muslims.
Yet another butthurt libtard.:facepalm:
Because I said so.:p Actually I don't hate all other religions but I do hate Islam. There just stupid Jews. They hate Christians and white people but I don't here you condemn that. The hypocrisy of the common left winger never gets old. Also Christianity doesn't advocated fucking 9 year olds so thats a plus. Really the simple reason that I hate Islam is that it's an anti white religion. I'm fine living in a country made of Christians, Pagans and even Atheists and Satanists but Islam has no place in the western world.
Christianity is not the most superior religion because I said so.
Read the rest of my post. Like I said Islam has no place in western society.
Islam is not the only other religion that exists. I'm just pointing out the sheer lack of logic in your argument.
I wasnt being serious with the whole because I said so thing. Read the rest where I talk about why i really hate Islam.
Yeh, everybody knows you hate Islam. Could've put a little ':o' or ':p' after the 'Because I said so' to avoid any misunderstanding. It's hard to read sarcasm
Edit: I see you've already added it :thumbsup:
So are you going to shit on it or what?
Ok I'll play along. Lets say all religion is bad ok? The only problem is Islam seems to have the nasty of flying airplanes into buildings, Fucking kids, Stoning women for not wearing a Bhurka, Murdering people who draw there prophet, beheading contractors, throwing acid at young girls who want to attend school, blowing themselves up, calling for death to Americans and the list goes on and on. You know little things like that.
So do you have anything useful to add or are you just gonna add smily's because your butthurt?
look at the new pics. There are feces on it.
"we have a 224 grammar infraction in progress, Fanglekai is on scene and requesting :mad:"
Shoot for the stars, son.. I'm thinking news broadcasts. Figure out how to cause so much shit that &T makes it to TV. Actually, don't stop there - try starting a holy war. :thumbsup:
I want holy war. That's my ultimate goal but how do I make this happen? I need ideas on how to further piss off the Muslim community.
I don't haz video camera:o:o:o
EDIT: Wait what if Dfg issue's a Fatwah on me? Thats a sure way to start holy war.
He's gay.
You volunteering that purdy mouth of yours?:fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap::fap:;):fap::fap::fap:
See below
No I was volunteering yours. You're my #1 trick.
Go away.
that photo genuinly made me lol.