Appreciation for mobility

edited October 2010 in Spurious Generalities
Recently I fell off my ladder working and broke both of my ankles because I dropped and landed on both of my feet (to be still standing up for a split second), funnily enough seeming not to be falling until I looked down; it was like something out of a Road Runner cartoon, which reminds me I need to get a refund on my ladders and return them to ACME.

I never believed it would be this much of a burden to have both legs/feet inactive, until now. It takes so much more time and effort to get ANYTHING done, move around the home anywhere in my wheelchair or even just to get washed and dressed or go to the toilet (on commode) let alone get into a car (now have to use cabs due to how uncomfrotable it is to get into a car) or live a normal life.

Nothing really new or interesting to say about this really, just that it is true you don't appreciate something as simple as being able to walk until you can't do it anymore. Having so little control over yourself sucks major ass.


  • 4206942069 Regular
    edited October 2010
    why did you stop thinking at this point?
    an experience like this is what comes only to a few people;
    a fully organic uncontrolled instant of a split second that exponentially affects your future;

    1/2 second fall off ladder = 3 months in a wheelchair; the multiplicative power is fuckin obscene;

    and by having experienced this first hand on your own account; the realization factor of your time being alive with also have a great multiplying factor;

    experiences and realizations people have can greatly affect the person's own life, motivation, meaning, and maybe purpose;
    Take advantage of this, cripple;
    Next time you can't drive a car; go up some stairs; fuck in the shower; dance; swim; mow the grass; or jump; think about what you are, half a man- dependent on a machine, an imported product of china and century old technology;
    And thrive on it; (like Darth Vader)

    shut the fuck up and stop reading fantastic four comic books
    {go get run over by a car}
  • DysgraphiaDysgraphia Locked
    edited October 2010
    What a failure.
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