Before I get started with the review, this website will help everyone out with learning what creatine is and can answer most questions a lot better than i will be able to. If you still have questions about it i can try and answer them. Now getting to the review
Kre-Alkyline Creatine
Scifi and EFX brand (they are both the same exact pills)
Lets get some basic things out of the way first. You won't get super human strength from taking it. You won't even "feel" stronger by just taking them, even though in the end you should get stronger. Yes you will get gains but it depends on your work ethic and your routine.
Reasons I prefer Kre-Alkyline over creatine monohydrate
- No bloating
- Barely any excess water (I get a lot with monohydrate)
- Doesn't just turn into creatinine like 90% of monohydrate does when it interacts with water
Just follow the instructions to take them. It says 2-3 times daily, so i like to space them out. I take one in the morning and two an hour before work outs. Try to take them on an empty stomach also, you will see greater results.I would wait around 15-20 minutes before eating after you take them also.
Results/The good
- Should be able to see strength gains
- Able to do more repetitions in sets
- Feel more "explosive" when pushing weight
- Don't have to worry about nasty flavored drinks
- Put on mass (I've heard of people gaining up to 10 pounds) Realistically I would say 5
- You don't have to load it like creatine monohydrate
I havn't found anything I don't like about this product and I havn't tried anything that is better so far. I would highly recommend this if you work out. Some things work better for others and not at all for some so keep that in mind. I also like the pill aspect of them, but sometimes it gets annoying trying to take them on an empty stomach and on a "schedule".
In the future I will be doing some reviews of other supplements including protein powders and pre-work outs, if people are interested in reading them. If you have any questions, comments, concerns etc.go for it. :thumbsup:
[Posted on CMS by Mayberry ]
They are based upon my results, which luckily are the most common overall results that others get. So basically both. :hai:
The addition of water weight will of course very, and it does go away once you stop taking it.
In your pants, amirite?
In yours
I've spoken to a few people about monohydrate and adequate loading periods and many have told me that with modern grade product there is no real requirement to load - i did anyway though
A/E it would be really nice to see a quick addition to this guide in explanation of other common sups (im still a little unfamiliar with bcaa, also where does dextrose and glucose fit in?) thanks!
I'll try and make a guide explaining amino acids within protein synthesis which ties back into atp and creatine when i get some time, and I'll make some on other supplements I've tried.
Or just make a great with the explanation of many basic supplements.
Would you care to further elaborate?...
Yes most supplements are bullshit, I understand that, but how is this quack medicine?
Katz! Nobody mentioned the extraordinary effects of supplementation. It is understood by almost all that supplementation is an addition, or complement for an already functioning program of nutrition and resistance training.
But when it comes down to it; I can justify the purchase and many others can too, the trick is to distinguish between science and marketing and purchase on knowledge.
Those whom don't subscribe to 'quack medicine' are usually those whom have never had to try. Unless you are in a position by which supplementation becomes a necessity (necessity between competition, progress, w/e - not necessity of the actual supplement) then I can understand the doubts, I know I've got a far better chance of completing a grueling training session if I've had a pre-trainer. I know I've got a better chance of recovery if I take a post-trainer. They do work, the trick is to see the science and not the noise.