Whoever thought of this thank you, zoklet was never a home for a lot of us, and &t must live on! Without it, how could any youngsters possibly learn how to shoplift benadryl from Wal-Mart and inject it into their friends and loved ones, all with proper intravenous administration of course!
TheGreenDoctor, I am working on this. It is definitely possible and not that difficult.
I am travelling at the moment, but in a week I will have lots of time to work on this, so I would expect to have the archives back before the summer is out.
Well who knows, if we can get the rest of the quality posters from zoklet (all 13.5 of them LOL) over here this site might have potential. Anyhow it could not possibly be managed any worse. But thanks for the site either way.
I lurked the original totse and joined it eventually. 3 days later, it closed and I was stuck with the awkward period between now and then called Zoklet. It's good to be back.
I lurked the original totse and joined it eventually. 3 days later, it closed and I was stuck with the awkward period between now and then called Zoklet. It's good to be back.
I found out about Totse 2 days after it was shut down, and my consolation prize was the mess that zoklet is. I'm glad to finally join the community
Yeah, me too
I used to visit totse and don't even realize there's a community behind it
One day when I visited it Jeff announce he's quitting and told the community to move to zoklet. I straightly joined there and begin posting for a several months but realize I don't really fit there and ended up being a lurker that occasionally post something in Bat Country.
Yeah, me too
I used to visit totse and don't even realize there's a community behind it
One day when I visited it Jeff announce he's quitting and told the community to move to zoklet. I straightly joined there and begin posting for a several months but realize I don't really fit there and ended up being a lurker that occasionally post something in Bat Country.
Oh well, back to lurking.
Totse was much more close knit and user friendly back when I first joined. Okay, maybe that's putting it too bitch like, but more helpful should I say. People didn't flame you unless you acted like a complete fucktard. It got to a point though especially around the whole UBB > VBull switch time frame where it just turned into one massive flame war and you struggled to make a post without getting flamed, much less a thread.
I still loved it though because it was always out of good fun and never taken serious. It always had been sort of a thing like other big forums that can be hostile where you have to jump in with both feet running. What made me finally feel apart of the Community was when someone thanked me for helping them out and solving their problem. It sounds corny (insert habaneros turd pics), but really that shit brightens your day and makes you feel as though you are giving back and not just taking and taking and taking.
Problem with other places right now [unmentioned but obvious] is that many people are just taking and taking, but aren't giving back and whatever they do give back is complete shit. They can talk all the shit they want, but as long as we remember the old days of how it was before Z and how that place screwed us up as Totseans then we will achieve better. I blame the Red Bull, Beer, and boredom for bringing me back to that wanna be Totse forum for the past 18 months. I feel rejuvenated and ready to make something that we couldn't do before.
-New Staff
-Solid Direction
-Everyone ready to revive the Totse Spirit and make it how it was and better
Since everyone seems to be posting their Totse legacy: I joined in March '06, so says the verification e-mail I still have. I think I might have had an account before that but probably not. Friend on another site introduced me to &T. The whole time I was on Totse I mostly felt upset that I had missed the golden days, but still enjoyed it all.
Im not very active here but i do enjoy reading the content posted by the many dedicated members, keep it up all
That's good to hear bro. This place sure is interesting, you do get a lot of good quality posting here which is good. Much better than other shitty forums
I've been lurking around for awhile and finally decided to register. Except for the rampant racism, it's very informative. Not that racism ruffles my feathers, I just think that sort of talk is best left to close personal friends as opposed to on a forum that you could get linked to for any number of reasons. All that bs aside, Hi Everybody.
I don't think that list is big enough. By the way, dysgraphia you are THE MAN! I would never have registered if it weren't for your work. You changed the way I fap forever.
I've been lurking around for awhile and finally decided to register. Except for the rampant racism, it's very informative. Not that racism ruffles my feathers, I just think that sort of talk is best left to close personal friends as opposed to on a forum that you could get linked to for any number of reasons. All that bs aside, Hi Everybody.
Like trx said. This place is about freedom of speech if you knows what I mean?
Not all of us are racist. All that bs aside, Awesome to see you hooked up.;)
Like trx said. This place is about freedom of speech if you knows what I mean?
Not all of us are racist. All that bs aside, Awesome to see you hooked up.;)
Awright, it looks like everything is in order here.
EDIT: aww no thumbs up. I've got to agree with mashlehash. The hrmph and thumbsup emoticons are really the only thing I'm going to miss..
EDIT: thankyou for putting this site back up. A lot of people appreciate it
Though, I see you have the board archives? The links don't work, but if you actually have all the old BLTC threads saved, I might stick around.
I am travelling at the moment, but in a week I will have lots of time to work on this, so I would expect to have the archives back before the summer is out.
Personally I think it's already on its way there. Also, I agree with the .info part - sounds more... Informative.
Welcome mate. It's good to have you here.
Thanks bro.
Gotta keep teh faith ay woot.:cool:
BornKiller where is your cool siggy??
Not to mention how I feel about posting on totse again.
lol, this.
Just it wasn't 3 days for me.
Yeah, me too
I used to visit totse and don't even realize there's a community behind it
One day when I visited it Jeff announce he's quitting and told the community to move to zoklet. I straightly joined there and begin posting for a several months but realize I don't really fit there and ended up being a lurker that occasionally post something in Bat Country.
Oh well, back to lurking.
Totse was much more close knit and user friendly back when I first joined. Okay, maybe that's putting it too bitch like, but more helpful should I say. People didn't flame you unless you acted like a complete fucktard. It got to a point though especially around the whole UBB > VBull switch time frame where it just turned into one massive flame war and you struggled to make a post without getting flamed, much less a thread.
I still loved it though because it was always out of good fun and never taken serious. It always had been sort of a thing like other big forums that can be hostile where you have to jump in with both feet running. What made me finally feel apart of the Community was when someone thanked me for helping them out and solving their problem. It sounds corny (insert habaneros turd pics), but really that shit brightens your day and makes you feel as though you are giving back and not just taking and taking and taking.
Problem with other places right now [unmentioned but obvious] is that many people are just taking and taking, but aren't giving back and whatever they do give back is complete shit. They can talk all the shit they want, but as long as we remember the old days of how it was before Z and how that place screwed us up as Totseans then we will achieve better. I blame the Red Bull, Beer, and boredom for bringing me back to that wanna be Totse forum for the past 18 months. I feel rejuvenated and ready to make something that we couldn't do before.
-New Staff
-Solid Direction
-Everyone ready to revive the Totse Spirit and make it how it was and better
How could we go wrong?
Since everyone seems to be posting their Totse legacy: I joined in March '06, so says the verification e-mail I still have. I think I might have had an account before that but probably not. Friend on another site introduced me to &T. The whole time I was on Totse I mostly felt upset that I had missed the golden days, but still enjoyed it all.
Best part is, its not even half done yet. Still a whole lot more functionality to come from this place, so stick around.
Also, 69th post :cool:
It sure is a wonderful thing, and I'm glad I can be part of this new renovation
That's good to hear bro. This place sure is interesting, you do get a lot of good quality posting here which is good. Much better than other shitty forums
i hope this comes close to being as good as it was before.
Stick around bro. Our shit's gonna get tighter than that.:cool:
Like trx said. This place is about freedom of speech if you knows what I mean?
Not all of us are racist. All that bs aside, Awesome to see you hooked up.;)
The only thing you can't post here is Child Porn
LOL, no, not bad at all. But I'd say that one subject is worth at least half a billion