No need to start a war that we already won. People wanted their Totse back, and now they have it. If they want to see it flourish they will we always used to say when people made goodbye threads...."you'll be back"
Yeah, exactly my point. We want to attract knowledgeable people who will actually contribute and better the community, not idiots like you. So stop your tom-foolery.
Yeah, exactly my point. We want to attract knowledgeable people who will actually contribute and better the community, not idiots like you. So stop your tom-foolery.
You guys are all nerds... that being said, I don't see how Totse has "won" if the most members we've ever had thus far is 75. I know it's still growing... but still.
Not formally, but the downfall of zoklet should be one of our goals.
I honestly can never agree with this entirely. I'm torn, I like Zoklet, but its turning into a shithole. I want totse back, and this does have promise, but I won't be sold until we get a good traffic boom.
No need to wave flags. Focus on Totse poeple. We need fresh content and we need it NOW!
Exactly man, lets focus on the forums people and building our community back. We know Zoklet is dieing so lets let it let out its death rattles. Totse army will handle things
No dont. We need a neutral third party that can mediate both communities. And I am the best for that position. As leader of zoklet, I can reunite all the fractured totse communities, and lead them back to the promised land- original Appoint me in charge of everything, I have the solutions, I am ready to lead YOU and the totse lion into a better future for all totseans!
There's no point. The place is fucked. I'm going to be honest, I didn't even forsee the impact of this place on Zoklet. It seems like the place is like a bad car wreck. Problem arises (, they then over-correct the car (website, by way of deleting two weeks of posts) and end up in the ditch.
No dont. We need a neutral third party that can mediate both communities. And I am the best for that position. As leader of zoklet, I can reunite all the fractured totse communities, and lead them back to the promised land- original Appoint me in charge of everything, I have the solutions, I am ready to lead YOU and the totse lion into a better future for all totseans!
There's no point. The place is fucked. I'm going to be honest, I didn't even forsee the impact of this place on Zoklet. It seems like the place is like a bad car wreck. Problem arises (, they then over-correct the car (website, by way of deleting two weeks of posts) and end up in the ditch.
Pretty much this. Zok fucked up and now he's paying for it.
They are both no longer Mods lol?
Oh yeah...
Do it anyways :facepalm:
BTW, I hadn't released his demodship was final. I thought he was still in the "I is tired of zuklet" stage where he wants to just be kicked out
Cause you know im a super serious poster.:rolleyes:
But I like tom-foolery.
I honestly can never agree with this entirely. I'm torn, I like Zoklet, but its turning into a shithole. I want totse back, and this does have promise, but I won't be sold until we get a good traffic boom.
Bit extreme, dont'cha think?:facepalm:
That guy's fucked. Totse army is gonna sodomise his ass with some fuck.
So then I would of course say theres no reason for us too, it will die off on it's own.
But after seeing members of planning attacks on users/the admin of this site, I kind of think we should.. but I don't know just yet..
Exactly man, lets focus on the forums people and building our community back. We know Zoklet is dieing so lets let it let out its death rattles. Totse army will handle things
Just ignore those faggots.
Let's focus on the new now.
Please don't let faggots like 0x29A bring their ass here. I don't know if you agree but his kind isn't needed here.
I agree on this, we shall have a court case against him. This time with poll.
I tottally agree Totse court works man
Would you go fuck with his house in real life?
If so, then poast moar.
Yeah, right.
Pretty much this. Zok fucked up and now he's paying for it.
Hey if he wants to try let him...
It's only funnier when he fails.