Yeah it went awesome i always go awesome! U I swear i never fail alwas gose the same way sometimes it only takes me 1n 1/2 hrs! But this batch had that gray/green sludge from the Li at the bottom of the fuel n i had to fix it thats why it took an extra 15min bit my batches with sludge i clean up are ALWAYS better! !
LoL yeah been fuckin flyin started at 10am finished evap on a bad ass 3 box cook at 11:47am and been tweakin hard as fuck ever since lol I'll have to come see ya for a coffee n a toot on the flute 1day soon enzo or if your down my way drop in!
Hay bro do u knowif i can use liquid pseudo in my SnB cooks?? I am a king at it with the little 60mg Sudafed But i realy need to know about the liquid pseudo? ? Thanks!!
Hay bro do u knowif i can use liquid pseudo in my SnB cooks?? I am a king at it with the little 60mg Sudafed But i realy need to know about the liquid pseudo? ? Thanks!!
Its just over 1/2 Its just over 1/2 bottle of HCL N TOPPED UP WITH WATER!! AND ya dont wast any meth ot the wash !! The meth is in the full until ya bring up the ph with the hcl!! Byt i dont bother washing it aas i bash it not smoke it!!
FANTASY OF COOKING METH SYNTH!!!!! ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡ WHAT U NEED TO COOK METH CUNT!! ****************************************** 500ML SODA STREAM BOTTLE: 200ML SHELLITE (as it comes): 150ML START YA BASTARD (WASHED EITHER): 50/50 WATER^EITHER in gatoraid bottle shake fuck outta it let separate drain bottom waste…
12 batteries for 5.7g of PSE brother!!![/quote] This is bad advice. 2 batts for 2.4grams pse is excess already, at 5.7 use 3-4 max, id go 3. Also, keep in mind the beauty of SnB is it doesnt scale well. Write 2 stories = more pages[/quote] Iv been using 2 batteries for aroumd 1g!! For like 1year now!!
Look out on that Water, I've been experienced & successful for a long time now and was coming down n got cocky in a bad mood my reaction went up after i added touch water sprayed in my face, Li spat out n I set the van on fire!!!! LoL!!! Wasted last of my fuel n Li Not happy! But still got my PSE so next WK new batch! Just…
Not having s dig bro! Just need pfed n bit coin is way to expensive! I know I should bite the built n get 1 but fuck!! What's your suggestion ! Pm me pls bro!!
Whshed Either 145ml, shellite (NP) 145ml, 1/4 + a touch of a cup of ammonium sulfate 1/2 + a touch of a cup of sodium hydroxide 2x Li strips in a 500ml ss bottle Soooo much extremely ridiculous pressure in the ss rv it was ridiculous no heat and only burped rv 4-6 times max & she was rolling hard as fuck still when venting…
I don't sleep I don't eat all I do I tweek n geek n shake my bottle, I shake a bottle! N what I'm tryina tell u homie it ain't no joke man I got some fire dope cookin in my bottle I shake a bottle! Well I shake it n I burp it n I pass it to my hommie there wide eyed n geeked out n all the tweekers know me! *Kid suda* Mad…
Success!! Thanks enso! Every cunt needs to read the story properly its fkn eazy! N fuck the heat it fucks with the Li coppering! Just put 3-6ml water in the soda stream btl before u ad the Li! Read it 30 times if u have to! There's no excuse for non ss bottles and wrong ingredient mesurments!! Everyone stop being gronks n…
Yep 2x Li strips! I do think I had to much heat! As this little bee done test run with no heat but used 3ml water and almost all Li melted! So the bee's gonna do a full run with it today! Wish me luck on the honey run!
Yeah brother I got it rolin with a fuck load of heat! But the Li to melt to copper, only got 1inch round coz I Waz using Eveready instead of energizer! And wasted my PSE!! Coz I got nothing at all on water pull after cook!! Yes *shellite* is like camping fuel (nampther) Hay could u tell me how to gas please brother!!??…
In the Bendigo area its $500-$600 pr g and its fkn crap compared to what used to be around! Ppl have just become professional MA/ MSM resharders instead of learning how to SnB! It duz my fkn head in bad! PS. Half descent gear is 70 for 1 point up this way!! Its a fkn joke!!
Hay guys what brand cold packs u use??? I live in Australia n its so fuckin hard to get them over here, n I want to get them off eBay or the net somewhere!?? I've made like 10 15 batches about 3,years ago when ya could get them at the supermarket!! Haven't botherd doing it after they stopped! But I'm spending wayyy to much…