Even more fed up You're gonna get fed up You're gonna be fed up You're gonna see fed up You're gonna get fed up Fed Up Fed Up Fed Up You're gonna get set up You're gonna go fed up You're gonna go bed up You're gonna go sped up You're gonna be said up You're gonna get set up A set…
Pfft, does it really matter. If it is a joke it is only one a few thousand people are aware of. People are way to hung up on goals, accomplishments and making things happen quickly.
I dunno, getting drunk would probably help if you absolutely feel the need to rape your body into submission. You really would be better off smoking weed instead though...
Jazz weaves softly through my mind Eyes gaze vacantly at a blood sucking mosquito Sunlight diffuses fractals through thin reality dividers Gray flesh quivers with pleasure at dopamine caress Infinite compassion for pains extends through both past and future Blinkered lids shade my eyes But I don't mind Soft, caressing…
One advantage to smoking is that it becomes easier to meet drug users. Everybody who takes drugs that I have met smokes, and a contributing factor in meeting them initially was smoking. Then again it may just be the area I am in. Still, that said any advantage in smoking is social. It is crap for your health and doesn't do…
I think it is because what is easily and immediately available becomes conditioned habits; some adults just go with it and slip into cycles of hedonistic nostalgia and shitty necessity. Some break into a world of total linguistic abstraction and becomes obsessed with religion/politics/social mechanics and get fanatical…
I tend to get rather vivid dreams at least 3 times a week, although if I don't write it down they tend to fade. The only times I get even slightly lucid in a dream is when I am taking drugs in the dream. For some reason when dreaming up an LSD trip I suddenly philosophize my way into lucidity... then I wake up and get…
Yeah. That is a damn good movie. Naked Lunch is probably my favorite book. They should read it in schools instead of that Shakespeare and instill children with proper morals and accurate reality tunnels :D
Pinprick eyes pricked pins in the canvas of the miasma of the textual sputum spluttered across LED vision Silly sycophant slaves assfucking their own petty orifice digging for a sadomasichistic appeasment to their hidious soulds Devils stealing spirit through corrupt intention and selling it back at 3 and a quater compound…
I think it depends on a few things. Most of the smartest and most creative people I have known have used or use drugs, but same with most of the dumbest people I know. Drugs speed things up and push things to extremes, and if you pay attention and have the proper equipment you learn from it... if not it fries your brain.… I'm waiting for my man Twenty-six dollars in my hand Up to Lexington, 125 Feel sick and dirty, more dead than alive I'm waiting for my man Hey, white boy, what you doin' uptown? Hey, white boy, you chasin' our women around? Oh pardon me sir, it's the furthest from my mind I'm…
Poppy Seed Tea can get you seriously fucked up for next to nothing. Nutmeg is a very interesting and versatile drug and goes with anything... I still don't understand why it gets a bum rap because if nothing else it resembles weed closely enough to be enjoyable, and it can get very psychedelic at high doses/combinations.
I really aught to start posting here some more. The only reason I go to zoklet at all is for the variety of people who post there, which I imagine is the same for everybody who goes there.
I think that looking at conspiricies on a historical or government level is a good way to get paranoid, at least so far as you take it seriously. The primary conspiricy is inherant in human evolution. The biggest conspiracy is that of the stupid and the lazy.
I cut myself enthusiasticly and contemplated a suicide via self immolation, to be posted postumously on youtube under the title "You broke my Heart, Totse". But now its back and its all chill :cool:
I have a crummy little fern type plant in the corner. It has actually sprouted a large amount of mushrooms, which is somewhat confusing as I don't see when it had the oppertunity to get inoculated. Unfortunatly they don't appear to be psychoactive, but it is still a kind of cool touch.
Serious mudder fucking buisness indeed. I find it a magical innovation in human communication that people can have such entertaining drama's despite the geographical distance involved. It is chanelling the suburban high school achtypes through binanry space-time.
I started with Junky, and I would suggest that first. After that either Naked Lunch, Queer or the Yage Letters depending on how experimental a book you feel like reading.
This thread is fucking retarded. It's like some variety of mental venereal disease that causes unfunny internet drama. If I had any self respect I would drink until reading this was erased from memory :angry:
Everyone I know mixes, and I don't think I have smoked unmixed bud more than once or twice. It seems to space it out better, and if you are smoking with a group it kind of dilutes it enough so someone can't hog the weed significantly more than anyone else. I prefere it because of the slight rush and the similtanous…