No but some can do basic sign language. I think that talking would be difficult as our voice boxes are probably fairly different. But I dont think it would be impossible to create some sort of grunt-esque language that both species could understand.
You mean "Embedded software"? Basically any electronic that you cant use an optical drive or usb drive or anything to install from. Anything that comes as is and you cant upgrade it yourself is my understanding.
This. I believe if an animal will attack you under certain circumstances you should be able to attack it if it poses a threat. Fuck snakes bro. Then niggas be crazy.
That was pretty awesome. It showed me some interesting things. Like how since my birth in 1993 i have seen next to nothing compared to the older folks. Im glad to see that true happiness can be found.
How do you mean good sir? This is a good end to your post saying that you do it in a way that is respectful to her boundries. And that is what I am trying to do. Respect her limits before I do anything stupid. All in all good advice fellas. Keep it flowin.
I actually find it rather genious. What better way to understand decomposition than to recreate it in an environment that is just like the feild? I heard about this a while back and thought it was very interesting. I dont see why people always think real crime fighting is like CSI and shit. Real police work isnt done with…
I dont think it was just over the toys. It was most likley pent up hostility building over a number of years. Destroying his personal property was the last straw.
Very interesting. This makes me question weather it would be ever practical to travel to another inhabited planet in space if we are already moving so fast per year. Also he drew a tit on the board.
When you were born, you were the: 5,535,222,820th person alive on Earth 80,743,987,969th person to have lived since history began Very cool find. I like it sir.
Possibly but I sort of doubt it. From what it seems is that all the symptons are physical. But then again schitzophrenia could be both hemispheres fighting for control. But that is just a speculation. I am not sure if there is already a found cause for schitzophrenia.
I have very little programming experience. I guess you could say most of what I know is theoretical. I have studdied python and ASM and a few others but never really learned much from them. I got this book to start off and can do a little bit in the language that they start out with which is Liberty Basic. Then I ended up…
American Spirit Yellow: I gotta say that this was actually a pretty decent smoke. The thing was that they were lights. After wanting to try them for a very long time I got the chance to do so tonight. My first impression was that the lights were definitly lights. I could barely taste them but what I did taste was decent.…
Do any of you find it interesting that we can lol at pictures of poverty stricken africa and children who are horribly malnurished but when it comes to animal cruelty we cant stand for it? That just seems odd to me. Also I heard about one documentary about dolphins in japan I think and how they were chased into coves to be…
My worst and most terrible drug experience was actually about a week or so ago. My friend came home from college for the weekend and we didnt know what to do so I said "Hey. Wanna get high?" and he was like "Fuck yeah." So I contact my dealer and we drive all the way across town to him and get a half 8th of some OG Kush.…
I honestly think if a dude wants to live as a chick who am I or anyone else to stop him? Let the person feel comfortable as they want to be. And dont be a dick to them. I understand being weirded out by them but openly calling them a faggot or other derogatory names does nothing good. Try to understand why they want what…