Eppillus · Acolyte


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  • What implications are they? Are they any stronger than the fact that the only people breeding in wealthy countries are those too thick to not? And of course (shock/horror) religious (and brown) immigrants, lest we forget.
  • Yeah, like cripples. If God had meant us to live in chairs, he would have given us wheels. I mean, I don't have any problem with people living in wheelchairs, as long as they have the common decency to hide themselves away, you know? I don't want to be touched by their dirty fucking wheels.
  • 'Energy independence' is a retarded idea. What we need is an integrated world electricity network. The sun is always shining in some uninhabited desert, but too many people are making money from 'traditional' sources of energy in London and New York to invest in Saharan states until the old cash cows are bled dry. Yeah,…
  • Pathetic it is. But after being abandoned by a revered and untouchable father/god figure, it is the natural reaction of all twelve year olds to reject a surrogate parent. (that's Zok).
  • It's valid. The Octopus gets results, the sun is soft porn and gossip for people who like to pretend they can read. How much did you win?
  • That's retarded. You could say the same thing about condoms. I think homosexuality is a by-product of consciousness; awareness that there is a norm, and the unconscious desire to deviate from that. This would seem to be reinforced by the fact homosexuality occurs in other intelligent mammals, id est dolphins and such. Do…
  • I hope you're joking... but I'll waste my time anyway. Most CO2 is absorbed into the seas, forming carbonic acid. Cold water holds far more in solution than hot, and as such this acid concentrates at the poles. High levels of acid make it very difficult for shell dwelling creatures to grow and maintain their shells.…
  • I haven't actually seen it, as the review I read said it looked beautiful but didn't quite work conceptually; claiming too much attention had been paid to detail. Though I am willing to overlook the bias of critics and watch it myself, as others have recommended it also.
  • So even though you haven't been sucked into any one specific faith; you're still using 'religion' generally as an excuse not to improve your (presumably) shitty life in this world. Sounds great. Have fun with that.