yeah im in this thing too. i didnt add my name but whatever. i just watched some gay movie with some hot girl in it and im having trouble sleeping. oh lord. chick in question
everything's all ready been said but if people online hate you this much it doesn't say much for people that know you in irl. shouldn't you be out spreading your thunder thighs for your nerdy bf?
you need to get some better contacts. if you have your prescription go to costco and get the acuvue oasis kind. they are awesome. i wear mine 24/7 with zero problems. i just change them whenever i remember. not too pricey either, bout $60 for six months supply. they are made from some sort of breathable plastic that will…
it depends. are you eating cookie crisps or the worst cereal in the world, but probably the healthiest; grapenuts? i usually have a couple of bowls of crispix a week, which is nice. id be more worried about all that milk.
i love pickles! im planning on making my own this summer. i just have to wait until the cucumbers turn up at the farmers market. ne one have experience making their own? tips?
reuben: pastrami, swiss cheese, thousand island dressing, rye bread, and sauerkraut. make sure you have pickles. this has got to be one of my favorite sandwiches because i have it so infrequently. nice change of pace from the usual turkey or ham sandwiches.
you know you love it. you also get a cupcake sent to you by the admin. just let it marinate. it will grow on you edit: im also going to start sending out pm thanks to everyone as kind of a pick me up. if you had a rough day that thanks could really come in handy.
lol. thats the kind of witty banter that deserves a thanks. it would be kind of neat if you got like three thanks for each account, then something would have to be super rad to deserve one.
there's a comedian called the amazing racist. i dont think you have to worry. go for it. what do you have to lose? you'll be super embarrassed for 30 minutes in front of people you will never see again.
i got some more about the depth of my depravity. if ive been drinking i will do a lot of disgusting things. i fisted this fat chick once after striking out with her super hot friend. im getting the shivers just thinking bout it now. i was really jamming it in there & she was squealing like a stuck pig. then she wanted to…
eventually we have to stop talking zok this and zok that and move on. i hope this place just doesnt become some lame thing always obsessing bout the past. its fun now but in a couple weeks...?
until the body cooled off. i remember i worked with this girl who looked similar to her and told her so. then i was talking later how i wanted to bang the chick in the movie and she heard, then winked at me.