I've been counseled so much since I was 14 I could do the job myself without a textbook, but I am just batshit crazy in the first place and nothing I learned either works or I don't do it because it's some stupid shit like make funny faces in a mirror until you laugh. If I saw someone doing that shit I would think they are…
I'm seriously thinking at this point I am better off without them, even with the occasional uplift that is better than without it, atleast I will be stable.
http://www.inflexwetrust.com/2011/08/29/fellas-check-the-nsfw-pics-kreayshawn-nude-pics-leaked/ Kreayshawn - (Natassia Gail Zolot) Rapper Didn't see her, pictures quality sucks but oh well, it will attract fappers anyway. EDIT: Nevermind, shes on there but two are missing.
I see this thread, go on imagefap. Then found the bitch out of nowhere. http://www.imagefap.com/pictures/3753170/skinny-teen-redhead-gets-naked-%28wowchan%29 Say hi to wowchan.
Bornkiller, I see you have doxed her. When I give the go, everyone attack. Along with the guests if you want. I will show the aftermath :) - The attack topic will be "Fuck every Christian in the world!" Slipknot - Vermillion Part Two https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bfPiAz8iCcw Slipknot - Dead Memories…
"The official "What are you listening to thread." Re-post to this topic with more music being related. :) Uterus - Christian Slut : (Kudos to Darth Beaver and nudity on still on Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8whDuq6mb0 A Perfect Circle - The Outside (Directors Cut) : (Self Explanatory)…
Synonymous with this topic - https://www.totseans.com/bbs/threads/23763-Fucking-Christians!?p=246720#post246720 Uterus - Christian Slut : (Kudos to Darth Beaver and nudity on still on Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=e8whDuq6mb0 A Perfect Circle - The Outside (Directors Cut)…
Bump: Drank one four loko and a fourth of the other. No bushmills yet, Been busy obviously. When it comes to Christians you have to hide shit well obviously, or while you are shitfaced they will show up at your door.
Not superb but you would just have to see everything else attached. Even after that she still isn't a 10/10, she is a 8/10. The whole point though is that she is a Christian :) Latest conversation continuing from the middle of the last debate LAWL. - Her 30 minutes ago Good Night Me 30 minutes ago Goodnight Let her…
So here is the update on the Christ-Slut. I told the bitch off. She is on a whole "Holier than thou" rant at the moment, she has been typing for like ten minutes. This should be epic. What I have found out, no Christians views are the same on what the bible means. They literally are all fucking insane. - Her 17 minutes ago…
Dude, this here is what is even more hilarious. This is the conversation after her dragon-cock fantasy. - Her Yesterday Sorry it took so long. Lol and this is comeing from someone who never got into romance novels. Just imagine if I had! Me Yesterday Wow, that is very creative I didn't know you were like that :) Jessica…
I wish I could bring her back to it, but it seems impossible when it comes to these people. She was such a cool fucking chick back in the day. Hot as shit still but lost her fucking mind. EDIT: I remembered she actually has a picture worth looking at. Before Christianity obviously, I wouldn't post it otherwise. :thumbsup:…
A Perfect Circle - Magdalena https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0VdnEQVBPIw A Perfect Circle - Orestes http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6XtG5SGL0Xw&feature=endscreen
Never tried Bushmill's, tried alot of "non-kiddie" alcohol even when I was a minor. Vodka, Liqour, Wine and more. But still. How much is the bottle? Tried Evan Williams?
System Of A Down - Revenga https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UVaPFtVx8PA Band change! The Butthole Surfers - They Came In https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BO819Crxh_Q The Butthole Surfers - Pepper https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g4WUlNSx_Wk
System Of A Down - Innervision https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NklhTCw1TiA Next (2) System Of A Down - A.D.D https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NklhTCw1TiA And last, (3) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F46r-_jPPHY
What was the stupid mistake? That's what will help others help yourself. I'm sure you know where you fucked up and how to fix it, but it will help others not to.
Remember deny deny deny? In this case add sue sue sue and remember next time someone fucks up. You'd be surprised how often you can get rich for being butthurt.
Actually RemadE, that ''could'' be cause for legal action instead of the university being responsible for it. May get rich, ya never know. Sue whoever oversees the building maintenance.
Eh, that's using the illegalized chemicals. The new one(s) I haven't found a name for. But the 3rd generation product is noticeably stronger. If you happen to know what is being currently used to spray products please tell.