Type your comment https://newtotse.com/phpbb3/ I found this while digging around earlier. Looks like > 50% of the posts are all the Helladamnleet though.
He looked like a criminal, but that doesn't mean he is a criminal. He could very well just be an oddball. Behavior like that will certainly attract loss prevention attention though.
Crotchduster is the Family Guy of music...I don't care for Family Guy but I'm okay with this for some reason. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_MbhPWud8kM
I stopped posting because of school and because I finally got a social life. Shocking I know. I've got some time set aside for Totse this summer though don't you guys worry. :)
True that! When tM raided them it was epic. "I've got a problem." "I've got an apple stuck up on my ass and I can't get it out." -cry0 ROFL. Not to mention how I tricked them in to going to Lemonparty.org.
I have a ton of ebooks I could upload, and a damn fast internet connection to up them on. Idk if I want to go through the process of filtering out which ones are still relevant though, because these are all collected from back in the day 07-08 and some were old even then. Either way in the mean time here's a book from a…
#1 thing to remember when dealing with girls: SHE LOVES COCK. ALL GIRLS LOVE COCK, probably even more than we love pussy. They just aren't so open about it because people will think she's a slut.
Text this to every girl you know: "Ay girl u lookin gud over thar. How bout u cum over 2 my place 2nite n we sip on sum henny n do da grown up nom sayin?" Okay, I know this looks like a joke, but for whatever reason when I texted that to most of the girls I know the other day as a joke a lot of them were all over me all of…
Yep, if they ever did anything more than lurk they found themselves banned pretty quick. I never posted there because I'm pretty damn sure I would have been banned.
Not at all. :) For that to ensure full anonymity they could create an alternate after notifying an administrator that they will do so strictly for trade/bad ideas use and only use a proxy while using that alternate. What do you guys think of this idea?
Would you be alright hosting a site like the one I have linked to in my signature? Not right now, but in the upcoming months I intend on having my blog escape the clutches of being hosted on blogspot where it is subject to having posts removed and possibly being deleted completely. I'd understand if you don't want a site…
Roguesci was a few levels above Bad Ideas on Totse, there was a much higher standard for the accuracy of information. Granted as with all sites of this nature there is a large amount of kidiots lurking. Fantastic news!
Guest posting should be disallowed in all of the forums, as they render the banning of an account completely pointless. If somebody wants to post, they should register.
I actually thought about doing that but it didn't work. So I have internet back guys. Not DSL though, dialup, until I can get my DSL straightened out. I had forgotten just how painstakingly slow dialup is. :facepalm: Also the library doesn't let you open .exe files or install anything so Tor isn't going to work. I'll give…
In the book Confessions of a Master Jewel Thief, the guy got busted for one thing, so he arranged a deal that if he closed all the cases he was involved with hed get a relatively light sentence. After he did, they raged because they had no clue about all he had done, but had to give him immunity anyway. Good trick.