I love my dog, I take it out on walks everyday, he scores me chicks and he is only 4 lbs so when i'm done with it I just put it in my back pack and bike away.
Bitch we don't care what you say just show some of your tits like an honorary totsean would do. If not gtfo. Stop being such a moral fag cause your mam told you not to share pictors online guise cuz thars wierdos out thar stupid fuckup speech bullshit tits gtfo plox.
After I get up, After I wake up, After I eat, When I sit down to watch TV, When I walk to the bus, Before i go to sleep at night, Before I go to school, After class at school, Before lunch and after lunch, When I get home from school, When I finish cleaning my house I smoke, When I start up a new game of Supreme commander…
Pretty much, Most likely the guy is an asshole hence the predetermined ideal of said person. Some people just have a higher perception than others, it is sad but true, It's only genetics so don't worry if your inferior and can't pick out an asshole of a group.
I do not believe in buddhism for I now know the knowledge of the universe imparted to me from god himself as I am worthy of being before him. My terrestrial body is gone, but my matzokechakwa still lives on in the Ipharat.
What a fag lol, I bet he is such a fag he got offended by this shit. He is all angsty and paranoid sitting behind his computer crysing his fucking eyes out hahahahhaa
They are groups of kids in a car, of course they will have some sort of gang/power mentality given to them from the use of an automobile and a group of friends resulting in a false sense of power given that driving a vehicle with people of driving age is something new to them, get's them excited like an 8 year old going to…
If we can mimick totse as best as possible I think that would be the best for this community. We should divide efforts to coding the hot topics and user cp before any major overhauls to insignificant things like buttons and what not, It`s not flashy cause it is not supposed to be, it is a forum, I like reading text.