If she's your ex then there shouldn't be no fucking relationship going on now shouldit. I mean you can talk about this, that, when you occasionally see her here, there, but maintaining civil contact or a small level of intimacy is as far as it should go, unless for a few very exceptional scenarios.
No fucking wonder romeo is where he is at now, looking at this guide hes just posted. It's written by a girl and if that ain't enough to tell you all you need to know then get your head out of the fucking pipewagon.
Oh look lads we got ourselves fucking shakespere in here dont we. Listen sweetheart to cut you the real deal, girls are looking for guys with more experience and right about now you don't have any. Your best fucking shot at getting her and maintaining a serious fucking relationships would be to ignore her for a while and…
philosophy major eh.... oh well i guess in the long run you might make it to manager in mcdonalds after a couple years mopping the floor and then being cashier no wonder she wont go out with you
This is entirely fake, I can tell because its portuguese and the voice of the guy "freaking out" isn't convincing at all. they just staged it but the guy talking is a terrible voice actor.
your snake is a stupid ass piece of shit. dumb predators, as dumb as can get. most other predators adapt to their environment, if the snake couldn't figure out glass by now she's a dumbass. i hope it hurt itself real bad.
i think ill criticize you instead wat we all are same fucking entry 2ice uhh.. oh... congratulations i guess on being human and passing the psychopathy test?
i read about 2 ramblings looks like you need to put a lot more work in it your arguments are kinda empty and underdeveloped for instance a lot of people don't do any work but will get a lot further than you because college work isn't all that important. a lot of people go clubbing for reasons other than those. a lot of…
not really, i just space the meals to make sure i can finish them and i also have to force feed sometimes wish is basically ignoring the fact that you aren't at all hungry and keep chewing the food anyway and then sending it in. its a fine art doing it at intervals just right so you dont throw up sometimes you gotta put on…
I'm not a troll, i'm much more of a poster than you are, thought i wouldn't expect someone so new to the community to know anyway, neither do i care much at all. I certainly believe you wish to amount to more than a piece of shit stoner in life, but I doubt you will.
they are made of cellulose, which when burned releases acetic acid smoking that shit is one of the quickest and surest paths to lung cancer out there before some douche fag comes with a witty remark, no, cigarettes are not a sure path to lung cancer. only a percentage of heavy smokers develop it
whatever you do, remember, don't do drugs and make sure to call your local police station so they are alert and pass by the house a few times so theyll be close if anything happens to yall hope you have a good time, oink
You are obviously drugged out of your mind as you right this because i cant understand a fucking word of it so yea one more example of what drugs will do 2 you will destroy your communication power. thanks for further proving my point but i think it was already estabilished you stoner piece of shit
You commentend on my thread even thought you didn't know what i was talking again. Thus your contribution is null and ignored, and I will go ahead and invalidate all your contribution in this forum from know on because clearly you can only talk with your ass. I agree, people who call out troll are trolls and need to go.
Are you fucking retarded dumbass. Go look up the definition of racism. its white on black prejudice thats racism. maybe if you had read the history books instead of using the papers to roll joints youd know this
So by the same logic it is OK for people to go around carrying firearms and all kinds of weapon, because simple possesion doesn't mean they will hurt anyone first. Let guys bring ak47s to bars, it's not like having one will necessarily mean they will use them in the first bar fight. This is the exact same logic. You gotta…
death penalty, no chance of questioning the 1st judge decision, only use 1 rifle in shooting squad and only 2 bullets to save some money. if they dont die immediatly let them rot. perhaps let them smoke marijuana as they die since they are so fond of it. Now that could be said for anything. I could start saying "There's no…
:facepalm: Medicine has been wrong in the past over and over. You know doctors in ancient times recommended things such as : "bleeding" a person to help fight infaction cutting limbers off to deal with caimbra prescribing pee to people 2 drink to fight deceases and many others now that was as little as 500 years ago whos…
you are fucking crazy if you dont get a lawyer for any legal trouble whatsoever even if it is something minor i realize some of you are broke as fuck but id rather go in debt with a record as clean as possible than otherwise
its my job you piece of shit, we have an entire group of 5 guys working on tracking this sucka down so we can tell his employee or if shit comes to shove arrest him