Osiris · Acolyte


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  • I never could get painting down at all, I painted a bunch of fruit in a class, it all looked like shit. The only thing I ever got good at was just black and white pictures with graphite pencils. Somehow putting color into it just fucks me all up.
    in Anyone paint? Comment by Osiris May 2011
  • God damnit, some vagrant squatter told me about some shit that would fuck up their exoskeleton, I cannot remember the name of it right now though, I need some too though, I swear to god termites have been biting me. I will scour the internet, after I sleep.
  • http://vegpeace.org/rawfoodtoxins.html Okra is mentioned at the very bottom so I assume so but the article isn't finished yet, this page was kind of cool though, who knew so much shit could fuck you up. It better be some damn good cheese to trade stained glass for it, and I will have to smack my friend for the…
  • I am a 7, I can cook fairly well over an open fire though. I mostly eat rice fruits and vegetables and sometimes home made bread. I usually grow a ridicules amount of okra in my garden just because it is so easy and fast, do you know any good recipes for okra? I had some guda? cheese from Wisconsin with crystallized…
  • Which only exponentially increases my desire to do so. I don't see how it could have any psychological effects if it is only a piece of plastic and cardboard. So I probably will, and I will let you guys know how it goes, if I am still capable.
  • Hitler, or really his propaganda guy I forgot his name, but they called the Polish terrorists as an excuse to invade Poland. As if a pollock was capable of terrorizing anything but a aptitude test.
  • Fucked as in it doesn't work or it is just a bad thing?
  • I'm not really stressed about the girl, its just the sudden change of attitude that fucks with me, our friendship is not the same anymore. I am already giving her space and I don't really want her back anyways. I just don't connect with lesbians. I will make lesbian jokes, make fun of myself, offer an amusing anecdote, and…
  • Does that make Kim Sung Ill the clitoris?
  • You are cock hungry. And if that were the case she would be a whore, not a lesbian.
  • Grow it on your roof if you live in the city. It can be done.
  • The only thing that sucks more than slayer is metallica, fuck fuck fuck those pole smoking shit eating sell out pussy motherfuckers, into infinity. The main part of the house I live in started as a log cabin and it is 150 plus years old. Strange noises and doings are normal. The only things that really freak me out is…
  • Anyone know where to get cheap magnets? I found some Sumerian cobalt magnets, and it looks like you can get twice as much surface area for the same price as half of the neodymium ones. Would it be better to have more surface area or just to have a stronger magnet? Is coating the coils in resin for insulation or just so it…
  • I was filling out paper work to go to a state university today and reading through it I realized that with my ACT score I was automatically accepted. This made me not want to go even more. At some point in time, before these schools started monopolizing the entrance into upper class, somebody taught themselves. Why should…
  • Rich babies should not be aborted, they should be ripped out of their mothers womb and sent straight to the crucifix. Love is the puddle of piss your child wallows in.
  • If drugs were a birthday cake, H would be the icing, and the cake. Don't ever, ever, ever inject. Prescription pills are like vitamins in comparison, even oxycontin. I like ingesting it nasally but you can swallow it or put it in a cup of coffee if you like. It is so strong it really doesn't matter. You really want to be…
    in H. Comment by Osiris April 2011
  • Buy a .357 magnum, then you can choose between the lighter .38 specials or heavier .357 magnum rounds. Anything bigger is just not efficient, I could do more damage with a .22 than a .44 any day. You just can't hit shit with those bigger calibers. If actually did have to use it for self defense your hearing would be…
  • I was mostly being sarcastic, which is apparently harder to purvey through cuneiform than spoken word. But my main intention in saying I was expelled from school was not to sound like a badass, but as a compliment really, even though it was some real amateur shit. This is why I left the internet, you can say absolutely…
  • I'd rather be a fag than a pussy anyday, fucking pussies. If you wanna see titties get off your ass and find some real fucking titties, two dimensions just don't cut it for me. I guess your too busy typing SEVEN THOUSAND USELESS FUCKING POSTS. You guys just don't have any balls, spend too much time on the fucking computer.…
  • You stated that chivalry was just as sexist as discrimination. I saw this as saying "Guys doing nice things for girls are just trying to get laid and are in no way doing this out of their own morals" Explain or something. Of course not all women are playas, Ive got three sisters that aren't for sure. But every girl that I…
  • Because a fair portion of females are playas who use their looks to get what they want. So by not kissing a girls ass, she is disinterested and will choose a male that is willing to kiss her ass. Regardless if your intentions are getting laid or just friendship and communication. Sex is a fucking game, almost exactly like…
  • Cops will have an audio recorder in their car or patty wagon, so don't say shit if you are sitting in one. I've gotten out of misdemeanor drug charges just by getting a public defender. Acting like a dickhead will get you fucked for sure, of course don't confess, but acting like a dumbass good ol' boy is your best bet for…