Depends on the direction of your trip. Good trips- then public can be fine, but with a bad trip your ass is completely lost and you have no hope. However the most beautiful drug I've ever done.
Fuck off faggot. UK all day... represent! I would rather be out raving than watching boxing, although I do enjoy participating in beating. If there is only one nigger then it is slightly better, but Haye is who I'm going for, he's got good form.
I'm 15 and have done a large variety of psychoactives. I have pushed my body, mind and soul to the very edge of existence and kept going. The majority of my peers consider me to be extremely excessive with my usage and my parents haven't seen me sober since I was kicked out of school approximately 3 months ago. On the…
I'm really okay, thanks, there's nothing to witness I said as I looked back from the edge of a cliff The old man looking down lent over the ridge struck with a grin as if a blessing had hit him. I slumped on the jut of the cliff Just leave me alone, this is none of your business I will, said the old man, but just one…
The women are free. And don't talk unless they're spoken to. Also a music room with every song, instrument and shit in the world. Some helicopters and planes for amusement on drugs. And the floor would be made out of air, i mean everything is just zero gravity floating. Weed that gets you stoned for a week. Farms, labs and…
This stuff supposedly surpasses diphenhydramine, it doesn't really get much scarier than that... Full blown paranoid delirium. People dissolving, exploding and dissipating right in front of your eyes. Of course you don't remember you've taken a drug either, so you KNOW that what you are experiencing is real life. It's very…
ATTN: BigHarryDick This is a message from Tennessee's FBI. This image could be found as shocking or offensive by some people. Therefore, after tracking you down, two officers will shortly be arriving at your house to arrest you. If you want to avoid this situation please prepare a female relative as a fair trade, you can…