RogueEagle91 · Regular


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  • Pennywise gets job at porn shop. New porn shop opening in my old hood. Pennywise does not disclose location. Pennywise works in my old hood? Intriguing.... Congrats, anyway. I should be in the same boat soon. New job that is. Just did 2 hours worth of testing for a job. Using a program that looked like it was programmed in…
  • You need a beard. We could almost look alike. Also, still not my room.
  • Haha. Maybe it's just the mood I'm in, but I got a solid laugh out of that. Thanks.
  • Not my room. Just the only one in the house (save for bathrooms) with a mirror. To be fair, mine's not exactly clean, but it doubles as part of my workshop.
  • Cool, but would have made "awesome" if it was life sized. I suppose not having played with legos in so long makes me misjudge how large a 9000 piece lego construct would be....
  • Get mildly educated about tech stuff so it doesn't seem like you're avoiding the issue. However, having already talked about it, there's no real reason to bring it up again. This might be shocking, but she likely has OTHER interests. Get her to talk to you about them. There's gotta be at least ONE thing you can relate to.…
  • I don't know when the last time I drank was. I've got a few 750's of hard stuff floating around my room. Just haven't felt like touching 'em in a while. Life. Sometimes it's a bitch.
  • Imagined one day a Paki would jerk off to a picture of me. But alas! I have not posted one in THIS thread. Enjoy, you sick fuck.
  • I wonder how much of what's heard translates into "fucking morons"... also
  • My favorite wrappers are in the maduro family. 262, Oliva, and CAO make excellent maduros of various sizes. The O and G serie from Oliva are my go-to cigars when I'm not in the mood to try something new. CAO's MX2's are damn tasty, too. These are NOT the smoothest cigars on the market. However, the spice and flavor in them…
  • Holy shit. I totally forgot Martin Sergent was even on the Screen Savers. I only remember the late night show he used to do before the faggots at G4 bought out TechTV. Goddamnit. I miss that channel....
  • He had the same problem I do with my desktop. Yeah, I can keep the temperature around 80F, but the fans are loud as shit. I remember years ago seeing someone's rig at a LAN party made out of a child's coffin. Always wanted to replicate that. If you get a cheap Victorian style reproduction desk and a keyboard/monitor like…
  • How fucking stupid do you have to be NOT to figure out Ubuntu? I'm not saying it's a great OS, but it's fairly common sense that windows shit isn't compatible. also, open office will read Microsoft Works files. Where's the problem. Dumb bitch is dumb.
  • Used to play Vampire: the Masquerade with some friends from time to time. It was far more role playing than game, but it made for a fun night from time to time. Many of them are actually pretty cheap to get into if you play older editions. You can find used books for dirt cheap. Think I might have spent $10 for 4 books.…
  • I sense much anger in this one. We cannot train him. No. Too much anger. He will turn to the dark side. I like a decent amount of bass in my music, but when I can't actually hear melodies in other instruments, much less the vocals, it's really fucking annoying. You can only alter your EQ so much...
  • Definitely get copies of everything. Watch your neighbors and figure out when they get their mail and which ones look like they'd get cash mailed to 'em. I think you can figure out the rest.
  • I remember when this first came out. The full thing was only live for about 3 days. Not usually a fan of musicals, but I fucking loved this one. NPH, Felicia Day, and Nathan Fillion in one place? Fuck. Yes.
  • When it's a small v, perhaps nothing. When it goes down barely an inch above the belly button, and worn by every hipster piece of shit I had to serve every fucking night, it ends up pissing you off to see.
  • 3 hours. I miss those fuck sessions. Well before I started smoking so damn much. My body could actually keep up. Lube and hydration help a lot. However, there still comes that inevitable point where one or both are too sore to go on. The lube will only help for so long.
  • Never took the SAT. slept through my test date. Didn't really give a fuck about it. ACT, however, got a 31. Don't remember my exact scores, but I was happy enough with it. Has it done anything for me? No. Missed the academic scholarship date for the college I attended. Note the past tense. I dropped out because it was a…
  • had it on tap at the bar i was working at. Highly recommended. Can be a bit pricey.
    in Beers! Comment by RogueEagle91 July 2011
  • I hate it when I see fat people using motorized carts anywhere. Stay at home, wallow in your filth, and die.
  • ha. No intelligent person in nebraska thinks their job is secure. We're a right to work state. If your boss thinks you wear the wrong color tie, you can get fired. Without notice. In fact, so long as no discrimination case can be made, you can be fired for no reason at all, legitimate or not. I'm not saying all bosses here…
  • Going through the same shit right now. Quit my job a few weeks back because i got fed up with being surrounded by people on coke (in a nutshell). As I look for new jobs, I'm learning to hate HR departments more and more. Nowhere in any of the jobs i've applied for does the phrase "NO CALLS" pop up. Yet they get pissed if i…
  • Saw that one a while ago. Still laugh my ass off every time I see it.
  • The effect of the occasional cigarette turned into the effect of a pack a day. :( I need to fucking quit. Don't start, kids. It's fucking expensive once you go through a pack faster than 3 days, and no matter what shape you're in, stairs will kick your ass. Seriously. Looking at my build, health records, and the like, you…
  • Had it. Very good stuff. Just got it in at the place I was working.
    in Beers! Comment by RogueEagle91 June 2011
  • Since you brought up Sam Smith, I will counter your oatmeal stout with theirs. Damn good stuff. Also, have you tried GD's Chocolate Oak Aged Yetti? Little stronger than the regular, but still damn good. As usual for a russian imp., it does sit like a fucking brick in your…
    in Beers! Comment by RogueEagle91 June 2011
  • I can't tell you what you should get, but I can give you some solid advice on what not to. No names. This includes family, save for the possibility of children. Nothing is more rage inducing than having to constantly see someone's name that you burned a bridge with. No flash. At least for the larger pieces. There's nothing…
  • Not sure what's better. How he throws the eggshell down with such vigor or her reaction to the whole thing. Seems....kinky?
  • I will definitely have to try this out. I have a full smoker now, but i'll probably be moving soon, losing access to it. Plus, this looks way more simplistic than the big bastard i've been using. thanks, man.
  • Is this gonna be like DBDK?
  • Regardless of the type of person, I can't stand anyone who degrades those who put in an honest day's work for whatever reason. Sure, corporate greed and corruption exist. Does that mean your mailman is encouraging that by delivering people's paychecks in the mail? Fuck no. He's doing a job he chose and likely enjoys. C/O,…
  • That's fucking disappointing. Don't get me wrong. I've never bought anything from there, nor do I think I ever would. It was really interesting to check the site now and again just to see how much growth it'd seen. When I first went there, there were maybe 3 vendors and a total of 8 things to buy. Also, the firearms link…
  • Thank you for that, BK. :D I've got 10 presently. Comes out to ~20hrs of work. Every one means something. Some people take pictures to remember things. Some write. Some paint. I get tattoos. Every one is a memory of something important that I don't wish to forget, for better or worse. Most are posted in another thread.…
    in tats Comment by RogueEagle91 June 2011
  • Though I've never been faced with such nigh-certainty that I'm going to be a parent, I've had my fair share of pregnancy scares. While stressful in somewhat different ways, it's still relationship stress. Clearly you've discussed prolonging parenthood til after marriage. While discussion is great, actually take some steps…
  • And here's the part where I download the Russian rosetta stone software....
  • Flip flops and jeans. This is for both men and women. Something about it makes me want to shatter every bone in the wearer's foot. Beyond that, men with flip flops in general. Also, v-necks and anyone who wears more than one watch. It's not stylish. It's fucking retarded.
  • Congrats C/O! I'd say don't worry, you'll be a great dad, but i think telling you not to worry is an exercise in futility. Just stick to your guns on providing a good home. Food, love, and shelter are what the kid needs more than anything else. Even if your respective families are helping provide that, it'll be no less of…
  • Glad I stumbled across this thread. Been planning a back-country trip for a while. Never used a Dakota pit before. Always had a small burner with me. I'll have to test that out when I go next. Definitely go a solid distance from a trail. Can't honestly see a ranger trekking through the woods unless you're starting a…
  • Same thing happened in Omaha about a year or so back. Two kids tried robbing a walgreens with shotguns. Random dude in line pulled a .45, killed one and tackled the other who was trying to run. The surviving kid got charged with murder under the premise that he was directly involved with a dangerous crime and thus directly…
  • For small cars, FWD. Anything else, gotta be 4x4/RWD. Never had a small car that needed RWD for power, even in winter. Though I prefer 4WD/RWD overall, i'm driving a 4cyl fwd right now.
  • Personally, i'm more satisfied with myself when they can't walk for a while afterwards. I wouldn't do a goddamn thing different. Some people just need a good fucking from time to time, imho.
  • Working my balls off. 40hrs/week minimum at one job and about the same dealing with my business. Still try to pop in from time to time, but free time has been limited to sleep lately.
  • Fanglekai, for sure. Need someone to drink whiskey and shoot things with. Dfg, TDR, sarahlov3ly, and pennywise also make the list. Haven't been posting much of late, so no one else is coming to mind at the moment.
  • I thought the movie did the series justice. Obviously I have a strong preference for the series, as it was capable of fleshing the characters and plot points out more. Highly recommended, never the less. :thumbsup:
  • Can't stand Drum, personally. My go-to for rolling tobacco is Stokkabye Amsterdam Shag. Great flavor, really mellow so long as you keep it from completely drying out. Goes into tubes better if you leave it out for a few hours, but after that it needs to be closed back up.
  • As far as what I've seen in the past months, silver fluctuates too much for me to buy into it. Don't get me wrong. It's been sitting high in relation to the past few years, but what precious metal hasn't? My problem is gold has similar dollar fluctuations, but in relation, it's a much smaller percentage. Yes, it takes more…
  • Do your services come with e-mail? That's one big reason I went with GoDaddy. Granted, you're $.50 more/month, but fuck it. If I get the same features and better customer service, I'll totally switch.