I only recall suffering from Sleep Paralysis once or twice as a child. I do however have Somniloquy or talk in my sleep in layman's terms. Not really something I suffer from although whether or not I suffer it due to screwy REM patterns I also have the irritating habit of waking up every couple of hours throughout the…
While I love both I think I'd have to stick with coffee as it's the only thing that gets me through the day. Don't get me wrong, there's nothing like a cup of Texas sweet tea or warm earl gray but a nice cigarette with coffee is blissful.
Good point although most of the methods have been published elsewhere in different forms and haven't lost their potency so I doubt that's a big issue. Good read Paco, I've been waiting to see this since you started doing your research on the Totse army a while back.
One thing I didn't see mentioned was how fucking cold it is in there. When I got dumped in there over night I was wearing steel toed shoes that got swapped out for those shitty rubber sandles and since my socks had coloured patches on the toes and heels they took those as well since we could only have completely white…
Button up dress shirt tucked in with belt, black slacks, and black converse for days when I work. Otherwise it's jeans and a t-shirt. Oh, and a worn out black trilby hat pretty much all the time.
Science of the Damned could perhaps be merged with My God can beat the shit out of your God. The subform is slow as is and while certain aspects of parapsychology do fit within the Science form loosely I think that mixing the two subjects might increase activity as people who frequent the religious aspects get a taste of…
Defiantly don't tell him if you're going to record your visits with him. It might also not hurt to look up your local laws concerning how tape recording would work as evidence.
Perhaps, people generally tend to latch on to doomsayers and such no matter the situation or time. While forums may not be in the limelight as Facebook or Twitter are (although I think I heard some news of Twitter's popularity failing somewhat) there are still non-bandwagon jumping members that will populate the forums as…
JestA is correct in this matter. Check around the house to see if you can narrow down the direction of your neighbor and if so make sure you're getting the best possible signal via your wifi adapter locations or if a desktop direction.
Or better yet when a customer questions your answer several times. Me, "You need this ink." Them, "Are you sure?" Me, "Yes." Them, "Are you sure?" Me," No, I'm lying to you" followed by a glare.
Congratulations on the laptop Trx100. Dust aside the worst I've seen in a computer were a bunch of dead roaches scattered about the case. Wait....no the roaches still alive hiding in the heat sink have to be the worst. I can now tell if a computer is dead via insect infestation with my olfactory senses alone.
An obvious one would be food; although I have seen steaks at my local supermarket with the shitty paper RFID tags on them. Alcohol also falls under the food guideline. I use to acquire mini bottles of wine as a kid and even managed a full bottle of sake before almost getting caught from a World Market store. Books are…
I have the same thing happen to me. Kept telling the lady that I was from Texas and she couldn't believe me. Course what's weirder is that I don't have a southern accent. :confused:
I think that it's a rage trigger for most people, myself included. Something to do with having your views silenced and or demeaned at the same time I suppose. A slight variant is when someone attempts to talk over me that really makes me see red.
True but you have to start somewhere to broaden your cooking skills. Specialize in one area then when you feel comfortable try a new dish. As for the original post I'd have to agree with the majority here in that it's not exactly attractive.
I thought it was Unicorn vs Jesus at first as well. Unicron however was a giant badass transformer who changed into planet which ate other planets. He was also voiced by Orsen Wells. Planet Form: Robot Form:
I recall an episode of This Old House from years ago where they made a human powered generator in the basement of their workshop. Looked like a giant hamster cage but it worked.
Despite my knowledge and occasional practice in the occult I tend to be pretty skeptical when it comes to ghost stories yet if subatomic particle get to disobey laws of physics then ghost might exist. Perhaps some advice from multiple viewpoints is in order. I seem to recall that Feng Shui views it as bad to have a mirror…
Something about the order of how things ran when a computer starts. I think the virus infected the Volume Boot Record which is not partitioned on the HDD. I can honestly say I have seen one virus survive multiple formats and installations of two different OS on the fucker.
From what I remember from my anthropology class some of the earliest signs of spirituality was found with Neanderthals in relation to their burial methods and the Cult of the Cave bear. The former consisted of sites were skeletal remains were found to have been buried with artifacts such as tools, weapons, and cosmetic…
Having found Totse.com at a young age it did play it's part in adjusting my personality and socialization skills as well. That and now when I see goatse and other shock pictures I chuckle instead of being freaked out.