I like carpentry, love power tools. I built myself a nice growbox (which grew into another hobby) and a bunch of other useful shit, restored my dining room table, working on a chess set and toybox right now. You can do some cool shit with just a $10 rotary tool. You said forming ideas in your head is tough and I'm the same…
...and the cops are using electricity consumption as corroborating evidence, stolen or not. I agree with you about people keeping their mouths shut. No informant = No pics, no audio, no sale. *you're
^this. link Just using a lot of electric isn't enough to kick in your door, I think some places require a warrant for the cops to even look at that (but not in canada, lol) link That being said, closet growers shouldn't be worried. A 1kw lamp uses the same electricity as an air conditioner, so if you run your lamp 12/12,…
growing indoors ain't free, that's for damn sure. Nutes, electric, good soil... those are revolving expenses. Then you've got lights and as much climate control as you can add. Weed plants won't smell noticeably until the last few weeks in flower, so you can extend the life of your filter by not using it all the time. A…
LOL, 2/10 I ran into a junkie at the hospital one time, my son had just been born and I was riding a natural high... good job and starting a family. He struck up a conversation with me and began complaining about his treatment. He said something was wrong with his arm and the nurse was especially rough with him, ignored…
What are you, a scientologist now? Profit is the motivating factor in most if not all advances in pharmacology, thus rendering them all fraudulent by your logic.:rolleyes:
The fucked up part is what he did to her after he killed her... link What a selfish piece of shit... "I miss my mommy" as he's being dragged off to jail for killing her. LOL@ the black on black violence though :thumbsup: Better her than a white woman, who probably would've gotten raped as well.
LOL!!! According to S&P's report, their total SS contributions, assuming that ALL unmatched W2's belong to wetbacks, wouldn't even cover HALF the cost of their education alone, much less medical care, incarceration ($40k per year per wetback), welfare, police, etc. LA county alone spent $600 million just to feed the spawn…
Sorry to hear it wasn't good, op. My first trip was a fucking nightmare, I was 16 and completely unprepared. My neck just snapped back and wouldn't move, like I was staring at an airplane in the sky or something. I managed to get through the night like this and dragged my ass to school the next day. (got my head back down…
Americans, the vast majority of whom are Christian, are by far the most generous people in the world as a percent of GDP. We donate countless resources to our communities on a local level and christian soup kitchens outnumber all other soup kitchens put together. Saying that Americans are greedy because we don't support…
They do this in my district, call it the "enlarged" city of newburgh school district. City schools had 75% dropout rates before they absorbed the suburban students and their tax dollars. Race riots were common, police had a constant presence, decent white kids either turned into wiggers or were harassed daily by the…
I'm not referring to the politics of the shooter, I clearly stated that such frivolous bickering is despicable. His batshit insanity was the driving force behind his actions, any other personal characteristic that people find distasteful is moot. Addressing your point however, I would note that "us vs. the government" is…
Limiting a citizen's ability to protect himself from criminals who don't follow the law.... to protect him from criminals who don't follow the law. Fortunately, most Americans see right through this bullshit. Also, as a few compassionate commentators have noted, the far left jumped the gun in politicizing these murders…
I'm trying to reserve judgement here. I'm all for second chances, but it just seems to me that he didn't earn this. It's like winning the lottery, it's not going to fix your problems as a human being and if you have a crippling substance addiction, it's just going to make it worse. Now, if he had worked his way up from…
Good for you, OP. I had a similar encounter with a wigger who thought he was tough. Barbaric african behavior has no place in our society, and people who exhibit this behavior should be called on it. I also understand your use of the n word, I don't think you used it in a racial context. You were just trying to piss him…
When in large quantities, it's joints because I always smoke too much/many and wind up zombified by the end of the day. The big ass pillow I've got now will keep me retarded for at least another month.
Bic lighters are 5/$2.99 at walmart. I have several 5-packs in a dresser drawer, and at least a dozen floating around my house. Also have 6 Camel Joe zippos in mint condition, and prolly a dozen various zippos in a box somewhere. Couple of BBQ lighters, propane torch kit, and my gas stove have all come in handy when…
Recently, the FBI has been busting muslim extremists in the US by encouraging them and supplying them with intelligence, resources, and (inoperable) explosives. I don't buy the idea that the US brainwashed them either, but it is ridiculously easy to manipulate somebody who is already brainwashed. Islamic fundamentalism…
Nice view. Here's some shots from last winter's storm in NY I was outside with my chainsaw for 3 days after that :D ...Plenty of firewood for summer parties. I think we got around 25-30 inches that time. I just got new tires on my Envoy, so I'm looking forward to some heavy snow this year.
^this. I keep my video camera charged and ready for all occasions, including car accidents, police, fire activities (I live in a busy area) I nailed some dumb nigger driving his tricked out honda in a fucking blizzard, slid off the road into my neighbor's yard damaging his fence and mailbox. The nigger just left as soon as…
lol, there's no such thing as a gazillion dollars. What is that ridiculous thing and how am I responsible for $40,000 of it? I think everybody who voted for Obama should have to pay that shit off.
The tax breaks combined with many other factors brought the economy into a recession. Here's a video of Democrats covering up the mortgage meltdown on c-span. They knew that these companies were in serious trouble. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yDNGJszF8dY Now that I've established that the economic mess we're in can't…
... and yet on the third hand you have anybody who opposes the current administration's policies being tarred as a bigot. The same people who are quick to defend Islam with the "few bad apples" justification, are the very same people who stereotype the tea party and anything else resembling conservatism for... yep, a few…
You're flat-out making shit up. Marriage isn't even defined in the Constitution, you dipshit. And the US government didn't start granting benefits to married couples until the cold war. Which, btw, is a blatant violation of the seperation between church and state. This blatant violation is the reason gays are now demanding…
Nobody is denying gay people the right to perform a ceremony and call it marriage. The dispute is over whether or not the government recognizes their marriage as a legally binding contract, which they are not bound to do. "gay" marriage is perfectly legal, and there are countless churches that perform them. The purpose of…
I agree with you that the American government is shit. This I don't understand. What do the stockholders have to do with the accusation that British Petroleum acted inappropriately? BTW, it's 25 American institutions and 14 individuals that hold 39% of British Petroleum's stock. And British Petroleum acted inappropriately.…
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_African_farm_attacks http://www.africancrisis.co.za/Article.php?ID=47276& http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/news/world/africa/article7078730.ece http://www.rense.com/general29/silence.htm http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=10256 Holy shit!!! I checked the facts, and South Africa is pretty fucking…
I couldn't help but notice that many of those "lies" were just another news agency reporting the opposite. No actual sources, just well-crafted reporting. I also noticed a couple of blatant lies in those accusations, commented on by ol' Dirty, that obliterate any credibility the author might have been trying to convey. If…
I watch it here and there, and one thing I've noticed is that he seems to be big on exposing the connections between the players, how their words/actions fit in with their ideology, and how it will affect us. Like he's putting together a gigantic puzzle that people who work for a living don't have time to do. That's the…
Fair enough, but Obama did refer to ground zero as "hallowed ground". Main Entry: hal·lowed Pronunciation: \ˈha-(ˌ)lōd, ˈha-ləd, in the Lord's Prayer often ˈha-lə-wəd\ Function: adjective Date: before 12th century 1 : holy, consecrated <the church stands on hallowed ground> 2 : sacred, revered <the university's hallowed…
They can legally do whatever the fuck they want, but the community has every right to oppose it. Blacks do it all the time to corporations and government offices, forcing actions and payments for slights against them that aren't criminal in any way. No laws broken, yet community outrage sends them scrambling. That's how it…
Wait.... :confused: There's a LISTING of religious sites? Like the yellow pages? And... bear with me here, I'm a little slow... if YOU couldn't find it, then it's not officially a religious site? (whatever that means)????
See, this is what I'm trying to find out. Who exactly determines whether or not a "site" is religious or not? Is there some kind of oracle that you're consulting? A book that you're reading? Tea leaves? Is it astrology? Tarot cards? Do tell, we wish to learn your secrets. :hai: