It was a few months after I psoted that. When she told me I rejected her and said she was a stupid bitch etc. I know it sounds like I'm lying, coz nobody would ever do that (on totse) but I'm serious. I was drunk btw. Lol. She never talked to me again. It felt good to reject her. She's the girl I'm talking about in my blog.
Wtf is wrong with vaginas, they look like cut up bits of raw meat its fucking gross. It's like... not in order or anything. Theyre all loose and stuff gross.
How am I gay. An asshole is warm and wet but u don go getting boners over taht now do you? So whats the difference between that hole and the ones inbetween the pussy lips. Yeah got no answer do u.
What the fuck? Why would I want to help them? Did you even read my OP? They're awesome as hell for being poor; they shouldn't change. I'm even going to be poor with them. Fuck, I hate when people don't read the OP properly. Like, my number 1 pet peeve.
BBJ can start the same as us, since he hasn't touched himself for 2 days anyway. So it's even, I guess. But he's the last guy. Don't want to make things too complicated.
They do, but Totseans are naturally idiots and/or drug addicts and don't know wtf they're saying. That's why Zoklet failed with polls, because even though they all voted for something, it still sucked.
First of all... anyone reminded of Arthur? Second of all... Hahhaha I can just imagine like, you and your friends planning this rock heist out, ocean's 11 style.
I've never had an accident or anything. And I don't have my full license yet anyway. I think all it is is I'm nervous to drive because I never do it. lol roads aren't actually confusing; but like... You know. I'm more worried about other people on the road. They can't drive for shit. If the roads were empty I'd be cool.…
I like the be free idea. But what should I do being free? I'm afraid of driving in unkown places coz I might like... drive on the wrong side of the road or something. :( Roads are confusing.