Those people have ADHD. I've known 4 people with ADHD and they can't sit still or shut up for five minutes. Definately not the type of people to watch a movie with. One of my gfs had it and I took her to see a movie and she kept asking [who, what, where, why] every 20 seconds.
*puts on bicycle helmet, knee and elbow pads* *buys subscription to Lifelock to protect identity* *buys volcano insurance* *eats organic food* *dies of faggotry*
tl/dr Many people misuse the word 'Sheeple'. It's supposed to refer to the naive optomistic mass of retards that like everything, never have an opinion of their own, and always stick to the most popular music and shows on tv because that is what magazines and tv said they should like. These are the type of people to get…
Ooopths. I hav'nt seen it for a while. The chick in the lime green top plays Lilly on Grounded for life, which I also fap to. I like the ep where she flashes her bra. :fap:
EWWW fucking gross :( I used to fap to the amanda show every day. My fav was the Judge Judy rules on Halloween mishaps, because she wore a lime geen top without a bra. Hawwwwt.
Depends who called me rude. If it was a hot chick, i'd start flirting and/or threatning to rape her. But if it was a dude or ugly chick, i'd donkey kick them in the crotch and say, "quit following me you piece of shit!"
He probably wanted to go up to you when you started eating and ask you "if you're going to finish that". Fat people bring food everywhere. I bet the fucker has a box of crackers or cookies sitting in his car that he eat between trips.