This site is really coming into it's own, or should I say, it's TOTSE and it's looking as good as ever! I think those involved deserve a huge pat on the back - excellent admin/mods, site design looks great, excellent flow of content, and vibrant community, hell TOTSe never looked better. I still have my old collection of…
Paid cash, no name given to activate, should be okay. Here in the states you can buy a number of pre-paid dirt cheap phones (Net10, Tracphone, etc.) for cash and no need to show shit to the cashier. Of course, the feds could track the phone back to the store you bought it from and could conceivably, determine who you are…
I've been telling friends that IDchief is way over-exposed and probably a fed front by now. Remember Kevlar? Same pattern. Bite the bullet and order some holo's from alibaba (even if you have to order 500), and find someone local hook-up with a plastic card printer, and make or use a template from the UltimateID mega file…
I've never seen it in the news, this one is located near Erie PA, and is actually beneath Lake Erie. After 9/11, they put it to good use storing financial records from Wall Street. It gets advertised among the really big banks and financial centers as THE secure offsite backup facility - can't get much more offsite than…
I've been inside the datacenter at Reston VA (houses many bank servers, and other major corporate web sites, etc.) Good luck getting past their security, full biometric scanners in use, armed security, you can't even wander out of your authorized zone, security escorts you around, the works. But forget all that... You're…
Re: MITM - any good sites will be SSL (like a bank), so you won't get any info this way. Not many people do their banking from an internet cafe. Try the software keylogger, you can find one that's not yet detectable by AVS (or modify one). Hardware logger is riskier cuz you have to come back to pick it up, if it was found…
In the past you might have gotten away with "file splitting" - where you apply for credit under your real name but with transposed figures in your SSN, or apply under a common misspelling of your name, etc. - what it does is causes the credit bureaus to create another file under this alternative name/SSN, but lacking the…
This is actually a pretty good guide, granted it's not detailed, but you give some great suggestions. I've worked in construction/roofing, and fully agree with you that it's very easy to knock holes in walls and roofs, and you don't need a lot to do it with. A 2-pound short-handled sledge along with a cold-chisel can get…
I'll make an file download link for SC/CP archives then. These were given out in 2005 with all private messages, password hashes and IPs left intact. I might hang onto the TG/CCPF archives, or reserve them for the right individual...?