its definitely comparable to a weed high but its way more up then a downer like weed.. I bought a gram for 20 bucks and rolled 4 joints out of it and smoke it all with one person in about a 4 hour span and I smoked the last joint entirely to myself.. I've used every drug in the book at one point in my life and to be honest…
FUCKING AWESOME!!!!!! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup: if you don't download go buy it soon as you can! sweet ass movie
when I got popped and the cops tried to sit me down talk and sign this paper, I said nope I want a lawyer and that was the end of that it was like the magical words and they stopped talking to me immediately
Well yeah I already assume I won't get hired at a bank or working with kids or anything like that but I'm in school myself I just want a part time job at a gas station or something soooo wish me luck!
eh what to do?! I guess I'll put it down because I'm pretty sure these days its so easy to perform a backround check and I did hear from others that if you lie about your record its a definite no hire
STFU I just speak the truth and anyone else who watched the game knows the truth too.. greenbays offense is straight up garbage and they're in the NFC.. enough said
I wanna try this but have someone get into a car and tell them to drive in a straight line but there is a cliff a mile ahead with a 1000 foot drop muhahaha
I never said it was safe! It's extremely dangerous I was just stating how I did it multiple times safely and the products I used and aluminum powder will just make it flash not more explosive