Haha yeah hurting the baby made me laugh. You would think that it would be quite obvious that it would not affect the birth of the unborn child. But still it is weird when they get to the point where you can see it. No problem until you can see the eggs fill up the basket.
Yes the trophies is a clear sign of the power someone feels over taking a life. I feel like the laughing over throwing a dog over a bridge poses a slight mental instability.
It has actually been simply a note that many serial killers that killed for fun and not mental instability began killing at a young age. Much like that kid we are talking about in a different thread that killed his girlfriend. But usually they kill small animals such as rabbits and other critters they can catch. I mean…
Wrong clip actually. I will try and find the right one. If you know louis CK you would get what reference it was supposed to be right away. But I will try and find you a clip. And replace it with the original. Sense you asked so nicely.
Yeah it was a spoof. If someone makes it then it wont be square soft. It will be some douche homebrew game. As much as I want them to remake it we both know they wont. They will make sequels and prequels like core. But never remake the originals. That is not including the first ones that were remade on the ds as well as…
I actually just watched the video. Its not just the throwing the dog off the bridge that was the big deal. It was them laughing about it. Beginning to a serial killers life. I agree he needs to be thrown off a bridge or gang raped in prison. But don't worry. Stereotypically saying, he follows the life style of someone who…
Well speak for yourself on the not being able to get one. But I totally agree on that one. This was completely ridiculous what this kid did. I mean what kind of an asshole could honestly do this.
You know what is odd. I dont care so nearly as much when people are hurt or killed. I am just like meh that happens all the time. But how the fuck can you do this shit to a dog. A 100 percent defenseless dog. Fucking shit head better get raped.
OP is just trying to throw us off gary oaks trail. Or maybe he is saying he is a bot knowing that we will know he is kidding making it a perfect cover up.
I was talking more grindcore then metal. Like dying fetus or DemonicWhoreSlaughter69 lol. And nice on the medieval song names by the way. But I feel that dungeon master would be better played by A Skylit Drive or dragonforce. Two bands that are known for there nerdy titles and or song lyrics.
Not every person. Just people raised to believe they can do what they want with no consequence. Some peoples minds are different. Usually when you are bold enough to make a move like that one of three things has happened. One: this one has become way to common. Parents raise you to be this way. Two: there are actually…
I feel like we already have one of those wanderer. But yeah I agree you should not have made clear that anything is okay because names can get ummm "interesting" around here. Anyways you seem alright man I look forward to being trolled by you.
Haha okay. Seriously though imagine how many people are actually truly worried about shit that stupid. Oh and nice troll. I asked but that doesnt mean I didnt believe you were possibly serious. You should have kept me going a while longer.
FOR A FREE FUCKING BREAKFAST!!! YOU GOT TO BE KIDDING ME. He could have got at least 5. No I kid I kid. That is fucking ridiculous. Young girls life ended due to facebook stupid humor gone bad.
To much to read so I am just going to skip down here and right that no I could never fuck a prego chick not because I would be worried about harming the child, but for moralistic reasons. I just cant process the thought of having sex with a prego girl. Although I was not aware the my ex was prego with my baby for two…
Controlled population much. These laws are not ways to keep the streets clean of bad behavior as they would say, but simply as a way to provide control over the citizens that inhabit the location. This kind of shit just pisses me off.
I know a few people that play covers at the bars. Mostly classic rock and what not with a mix of more recent material such as new alice but you really dont make a lot unless you are in the right location. Around where I live you cant even come close to making a living off of it but if its what you love to do it is still…
Well you would think a shit ton. But did you look at that guys face. I think he liked it. But he might have been a super pain freak. Pain fetishes. Some guy stuck a pen cap up his dick because he liked it. Yeah people are fucked up.
I think this early though we are going to look at it as yeah man dont worry it will go away and not um your fucked. Much like if a bud comes to you saying he thinks he has the herps and you are obligated to explain why he doesnt even though you know he does. Refer to Dane Cook for herps joke.